Its Alive!
Okay, time for yet another snyx story. As most people know we were going to switch to our new faster server. So we make the changes, and waited. It was about Thursday when I realized that something was not working? So I decided to change back to our old host (arezteam) the slow one. So I did, so it was Friday, and the site was back on the old server. BUT when I went to use the old DB (what everything is saved on) it was gone, so I went to make a new one, and put the backup on it, BUT IT WASNT WORKING! I called the host (arezteam) 8 times today (Friday) and they wouldn't help me. So I was stuck. I then talked my bud Chris, to helping me on my server that I was going to move the site to, and we (he) got the DB working, and then I had the idea of having the DB on my server, and using the arezteam host connect to my server, and Chris pulled it off. WOW! Now if ya don't get all this, DONT WORRY, I don't even think I do! But for now, the site will be a TAD slower, because its connect to my server, but just be happy were back!