But then nabs had backup and i was basically massacered on a field of internet emotion. But im back with a brand new version! Besides the fact that nabs and his army did considerable damage to my karma.. i think i shall survive to be a better person |
Nabs mom and I play chess every sunday at noon ok
trust me when it comes to the chess board, im not to be fucked with and thats where i met her... on the corner of hastings and broadway at the chess tables and you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking of her like a hooker tsk tsk |
everytime i think if this part at dooms... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzDa2JICQv8 i got into a state of euphoria for a while and just want to get back to the dance floor... i was about 20 feet to the right and towards the camera when eddie was doing that... and i was going INSANE |