justin er justtttttttttin (its only good with alot of t's)
justin i am glad you arE procrastinatin' with mE toda*EE. I am sooo fuckEd up right now! it iz kEEpin' mE hElla kompan*EE ..and yEz spaghEddddddi iz onl*EE gewd with alot of t'z. PLURrit*EE PLUR PLUR! i just ran out of applE juicE, man-- so im prEdd*EE tickEd off. HErE, havE a blow-pop! plur. thought you might waugh at thiz, mE and nathaniEl arE kandiE now. Kan I gEt a back massagE? and i know how kandiE you arE. HEy, man, got any Vickz, yo? so i thoguth you would undErstand!!!!! I wub happ*EE hardkorE. pEacE wovEunit*EE rEspEct muthafuka! I wub snugglE-bugglEz! *tEEhEE*