In 1996 there was a cartoon made called 'Stickin Around' which featured poor animation of stick people.
You have always reminded me of the character 'Dill' who yells no matter what he says. (which is usually nothing but ''HI GUYS'', or ''HOLLEEEEE MACKERAL!!!!@#!$''.) Also every time he yells there is little bits that fly out of his mouth.
I think its your one sentence posts in combination with your use of ALL CAPS that are responsible for reminding me of this character.
Just wanted to tell you that. Thanks for reading.
I have found a video in which Rawb OOPS I MEAN DILL can be viewed in all his glory at the 4 minute and 06 secconds mark.. and again at the 3 minute 46 seccond mark.
Last edited by Ms.Tarantula; Apr 10, 07 at 01:09 PM.