I FUCKING FAILED!!! FUCK MY FUCKING FUCKITY FUCK FUCK!!! damnit! I took your advice, and I did my road test blind folded with my legs tied together. My mom said it wasn't a good idea, but i told her you told me to!!! (BA HA) I think... I actually went mentally insane... for like a good... 4 hours? Wrote poems, drew pictures (even though I can't draw to save my life), ate lots of ice cream. (Whoever created Neopolitan ice cream was a genius) Oh yeah, and cried like never before! I went for a long smoke walk... and i hurt my leg kicking a log... repeatedly... I was beaten the crap outta that log... Like this: :016: <--- me on the left, log on the right... Well... yeah. Failure feels damn good. I think I want to do it again sometime... Well... gonna go steal MY CAR again, and go out for some Starbucks with my friend. she's upset too, so we're gonna go have a big CRY FEST... WOO YA WOO!!! LOVE YOU CECILIA!!! we'll chat soon... **I'LL BRING THE SWEATERS, SMOKES & E** |
WHAT?!?! You failed...OH NO!!! :014: Poor Adrienne
What happened? Was the instructor brutal? Were you nervous? What did he/she say you did wrong? I think the second time will be better anyways...You'll be less nervous and know what "points" will be needed to pass, right? Maybe you should take off the blind fold and untie your legs next time? :047: *I'll bring the water, the gum, and the candies!!* Love you too Addy :Kimmie: |