hey brad
you never seem to remember me...and i find that funny. the best brad moment ever: we're outside some pub after the bourb and brads describing how he got the shit kicked outta him...and so he gets all angry and tries to pull the door off of the place hahahahahaha i love it ohhhh brad happy bday! |
what the hell are you talking about? I know exactly who you are. If your talking when I'm in my drunken state that could very well be true. For the record I didn't get the shit kicked outta me. It was a group thing, we all got schooled. Roid monkey took me out though and my only swings caught air. :(
Riping doors off? It actually sounds strangely familar, I don't know the details. That is a good thing about blackouts. People can tell you the story later and its actually quite entertaining because you don't remember any of it. |
hahahaha it is when you're drunk that you dont remember me..
hahaha sorry im drunk now...im being retarded but ya you were trying to rip the door off then you were walking down the street with your fists clenched ready to kick someones ass and you wouldnt listen to us then we tried to get to the beach....but when we got there you were going up the stairs with i think his name was john...and we were going down and when we came back up you were gone it was so funny. |