in response to the mars post:
tits are medical. right. the difference between you and the conglamorite corporation called government are astronomical, to name a few: government - *in theory anyways*- mannage the well being of a nation with order and equality, appeasing the majority of the populations needs and wants. democracy - broken down to demo = the people; and cracy <sp? = cry democracy = the peoples cry. go figure. majority. yada yada yada where as you - are an individual, something the government ignores unless you have lots of video cameras, $$$, or corporate clout. or a really big gun. you eat, shit, sleep, and most importantly, consume and propriet commercialized goods. symbologically, you are a lemming. and the list goes on. on a side note. people don't like seeing homeless and hungry people, but neither do they want to shell out the money from their own pocket. go figure. why spend money and get no return when i could invest and make *potentially* millions. ah, capitalism. really, you think i'm bitter? |
theoretically it IS the best that the majority get what they want. theoretically. in reality - whoever has the best sales pitch, which is not necessarily best for the people/majority. discord, i wasn't trying to attack you personally. i'm just as much as a lemming as you or anyone else. |