haha no i didn't make the thread, but i'll tell ye the story.
i went outside for a smoke/leave/kicked out/i don't know why and this australian chick asked me for a smoke. her and i began talking and the whole lot of you were forgotten as we went to get pizza. she asked me if i wanted to go for a root (that's right dj rhia...SHE SAID ROOT!) and we went and rented a room at a hostel. in the morning i was woken up by some dude saying that i had given them a wake up call. i thought they'd phone or something? the chick was gone and so was my jacket. i looked around the room while throwing on my clothes, but my jacket was nowhere to be found. i checked the pockets in my pants and found that my money was still there...over a hundred bucks, but MY JACKET WAS GONE! then i found out that robyn had my jacket.
what did you guys end up doing?