<3 4 u but none for maria
last night sucked- stupid tart maria wouldnt leave and I had to cab to where she said my car was- but it wasnt there
so i wandered about van city for 45 minutes finally found it then went to work tart tart tart tart will you come see my new place soon? pretty please with sugar on top! can we do something before you head to shifted...please Ill drive and such <3 |
what theatre are we going to tommorow?
You missed such a randomly fun Sunday night, I came home from work to ravers stuck in my ditch in a giant truck. Then we went to my parents house, everyone thought my mum was a milf and wouldnt leave, then came back to my house and 4x4ed around my lawn again getting stuck twice on my walkway and by my shed. House is sooo weird with no furniture. Im currently washing every dish, Im not sure what to do with brendans shit. I think the plan is to dump it in his locker at work. mmmm I have chocolate hazelnut coffee!!!! |
I am indeed
I dont know if its becuase I smoke too much feet but I woke up this morning with such a heavy pain in my chest and upper back. It feels like Im wearing a cervical collar.
big thumbs down I did something intresting last night but I cant rememeber what it is oh well PLUR |
rock bottom is solid ground to jump from :(
my heart hurts - poor Pickles
and now apparently Im being taken to court because I didnt give 30 days fuck fuckity fuck Id go smoke feet and cry but I have 201919389191 report cards to write for tommorow I dont want to go to Apex, I am poor, I am sad and I work the next day at 130 in ladner |