hahahaha omg kat..lets tag team them..and by that i mean dancing wise. like we were gonna do with rory and nigel..lets hit tyson and rory up to.!! fuck..but were so gonna loose unless we dance naked.
Euro-as a matter of fact i do..i ferry over each day just to deliver pizza to certain individuals i talk to on the internet. its quite fun actually.
U know wut i have to do kat...goto mcdonalds and get a new stepper damnit!!! mines gone...and urs isnt!! we never really got to see who takes more steps in a night, cuz u were the only one that had one haha
hahah that is cute. Now where is my SEX! come over here now..now now now!!
This sex Shall not come untill I am there.
U both want it and will both get it.
Berta 4.5 days till r bday and Apex r weddin
Kat lets jus fuck aight so 3sum either at APEX or After ??