i read fnk for about 5 days before i could start posting.. and i've been analysing people... so here is what i have come up with for you dave.
Originally Posted by {dC!}
I dont understand what this thread is about :( Help Jake ... Help?
man i don't know you... and you don't know me but: (here come the analysis)
you always suck dicks of people who have alot of karma... why is that? you harsh nice to them and when someone starts to flame you, you start sucking extra hard and they cool off... i mean seriously man... you need to have an oppinion of your own... these forums are a big popularity contest, and people with most karma sucked it out of snYx's dick... so man just lay off all the "popular kids" and start talking about shit you feel like talking about, and not what you think will sound appealing to the big guns.
you still have Options bro.