I went to court once with a friend who was up on drunk driving charges, just to watch. We had to wait outside the courtroom in a waiting area for a while. Man the people there give you VERY suspicious looks assuming you're some kind of bad guy, like what rap are you up on buddy?
When we got in the court room, several other cases went thru and we got to watch them all - you get the impression we have a very fair system. Everyone should go sit thru a few litttle cases just to see what happens.
Then my friend's case came up and after being cooped up in there so long I was about ready to break out laughing at his case, it was so funny - he was really acting like a typical drunk Eastern European driver, tried to ignore the cops and drive away so they had to point the gun, put the cuffs on and throw him in the slammer (he claimed he was doing undercover work for the chief cop!), and the lawyers were trying hard to not make it sound hilarious as they read the description of what happened. I just had to put my head down and cover my mouth because I knew all the funny details and it would not be cool to break out laughing my head off during a trial!