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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Aug 14, 04
Join Date: Apr 2001
M!SKA has a spectacular aura aboutM!SKA has a spectacular aura about
starsprite and other entertainment gossip lovers

Hey gossips...

here are today's items...

Donatella in rehab

News broke yesterday that Donatella Versace is seeking treatment for cocaine addiction at an undisclosed facility. What a surprise. If I were this ugly I'd be stoned f*ckin' silly too.

Another Ben & Jen???
You got it. See attached cover of the new US Weekly on newsstands
tomorrow. Apparently Ben made a clandestine visit to the Vancouver set of Elektra last week and spent a couple of days wining and dining his latest conquest Jennifer Garner. Was it more than just a cameo appearance? Here are a few interesting tidbits for you to chew on: it's weeks since she's been seen with maybe/maybe not boyfriend and Alias co-star Michael Vartan. He's tied up in LA shooting Monster in Law with Jennifer Lopez - quelle coincidence! - while she's spent most of the summer in beautiful British Columbia. And that's not all... Those of us with long gossip memories will recall the rumours of a Ben/Jen hookup during the filming of Daredevil just before the birth of Bennifer. In fact, many believe her marriage to Scott Foley ended as a result of this brief liaison. And then there's Ben...who is once again an eligible bachelor after a shortlived romance with civilian Enza Sambatoro. When asked at the DNC this week why she wasn't at his side, Ben...ever the martyr...replied, ""You can draw your own conclusions. It's difficult. I meet people, but I feel like I'm this walking nightmare. You get photographed with me once at a ballgame, and The Enquirer will find out every dirty little thing that ever happened in your family's history." Urgh. Really furball...you need to get over yourself. So... could it be true? Has Ben found himself another Jen? I, for one, certainly hope so. He's exactly the kind of bad boy she needs to smear some of that goody goody off her face. Not to sound like a total hag or anything but people who are THAT nice and sweet scare the be-Gucci outta me.

Lance & Sheryl engaged???
That's the word from the NY Post, reporting today that Lance popped the question after his victory last Sunday. According to blabbermouths at their swanky Parisian hotel, staffers kept referring to Sheryl as his fiancee and they were not corrected. Yappers at her record label are also buzzing about the rumoured engagement, refusing to confirm or deny the report. And of course, Sheryl has made no secret about wanting to have his baby - even going so far as to undergo holistic fertility treatments to better her chances at conceiving. Judging from many of your comments, this isn't likely to be welcome news. And I agree. Nevermind the obvious disparity in physical appeal ... Let's talk about stature. You're telling me the world's premiere athlete, a man for whom superlatives are simply not adequate, should stoop to a woman who at one time shared a bed with Kid Rock? Get the f*ck outta here.

Paris & Tara on the town
A newly single and always skanky Paris and Tara went out for dinner on Monday night looking like the twin prototypes for Hustler Barbie. See attached. I'm telling you...that is the most budget looking boob job I have ever seen.

Lindsay Lohan does Rolling Stone
From two veteran sluts to a tramp in training...See attached of the latest Rolling Stone cover featuring the ubiquitous Lindsay Lohan. The story tag reads "Hot, Ready and Legal." Yup. That's classy.

The Kelly Ripa weight debate
Some of you asked about a scary looking photo of Kelly Ripa in the National Enquirer last week and wondered if she is the lastest to succumb to the Hollywood starvation machine. Indeed, Kelly has admitted in the past to unhealthy eating habits, especially after her first pregnancy. She wasn't clinically anorexic but she did concede to feeling pressure to lose weight quickly...and she went a little overboard. These days however she insists that she's beyond all that and maintains a balanced diet and a reasonable exercise regimen. So what was up with that pic? Personally, I think it was just the angle of the shot. The photograph was taken from above which made her head look really big and her legs look really really skinny. Here's a more realistic image, taken today as she was leaving the set of Regis & Kelly. She's thin...yes...but she looks pretty healthy, good muscle tone...especially on her arms...and I think it's safe to say that, for
now, Kelly isn't anywhere near Lara Flynn territory. For now.

Olivier Martinez: fun without Kylie
For a year we've been watching and waiting...eagerly anticipating the inevitable. When will Olivier, a famous philanderer through and through, get tired of wax princess Kylie Minogue? If you ask me, I'm surprised it took this long. Sure, there was a mild flirtation last year with Angelina Jolie on the set of Taking Lives but that's all it was...a flirtation. Ms. Jolie has a little bit more in her head. Unlike Kylie, who is as plastic and vacuous as they come. How will she react then when the British rags get a hold of this series of pics?... Olivier and bad girl Michelle Rodriguez having a hot and sweaty time at a Miami party on Tuesday. Is that the smarmiest looking expression you've ever seen or what?

Becks for Adidas
See latest of Becks at a press event launching his Adidas shoes. Only HE could off that kind of bling in a track suit...

JT & Cam hit the beach
Eye candy for both sexes...see attached of a wet Jussy on the beach on Miami...and an equally wet Cam in an itty bitty white bikini and her ridiculously hard abs...Yes, the two are still very much together, still very much in love, and still doing their best to prove it to us.

and finally...

Guess the panties
Just like guess the ass...but with panties. Enjoy!

that's it for me... the column will be on hiatus til August 9... Vacay
baby!...gotta rejuvenate before the MTV VMAs and the Emmys!
in the meantime, thanks for reading...and spread the gossip gospel!

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Aug 14, 04
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Scarface is an unknown quantity at this point
Panties belong to Paris Hilton
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Aug 14, 04
Join Date: Feb 2004
{dC!} is an unknown quantity at this point
Alot of random reading ...

Thank you Michelle.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Aug 14, 04
The Man behind the scene!
Join Date: Mar 2003
G-Style is an unknown quantity at this point
Wow nice one! I will be reading everyone of these.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Aug 14, 04
Join Date: Apr 2001
M!SKA has a spectacular aura aboutM!SKA has a spectacular aura about
Aug 9th

Hey gossips!

Back from vacay... fresh and ready to dish.
Thankfully we didn't miss much...unless you count another Nicolas Cage wedding and of course the usual smattering of Paris Hilton drama to keep us going between Britney engagements and break ups. And no, she STILL hasn't ditched that sewer rat.
Before we get things rollin', the answer to the pre-holiday Guess the Gstring was none other than Ms. Hilton - before the mystery smackdown.
More on that later.

Now, without further ado, here are today's items... lots of pics!

Teen Choice Awards
The show went down this weekend, hosted by the Simple girls of the moment Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton. I won't insult your intelligence by running through a roll call of the winners. But I will tell you that many A-list celebs showed up to kiss the pre-pubescent asses of Hollywood's most coveted consumer demographic...teenagers. Being your loyal gossipmonger, I now present a few highlights, and lowlights, from the evening's festivities.

Lindsay and Mischa: A Tale of Two Teens
Both are 18. Both have had a wildly successful year. Both have older, rich boyfriends. Both are major drama queens, prone to hissy fits that can make heads turn, even in a gay bar. And both have the power to summon even the most exclusive fashion and beauty experts in the time it takes to pull another drag off their Marlboro Lights...(hmmmm...my favourite brand!) So why is it, given the even playing field, that one ends up looking like an overtanned, oversexed, and grossly overdeveloped former child star...while the other pulls off "18 and lovin' it" with such aplomb that I daresay only my beloved Gwyneth at that age could have done better? See attached of a cheap and tarty Lindsay, pouring out of her cheap and tarty top. And then see attached of a polished and very fashion forward Mischa Barton looking age appropriate, funky, sexy, and cool ... all at the same time. How refreshing.

Ashton reaches middle age
If I were an Ashton Kutcher fan, I'd be worried. Ever since hooking up with Mother Moore, our former fun boy has gone soft... These days, it's Kaballah classes over clubhopping and Prada over Playboy. See attached of a very dorky lookin' Ashton getting completely out-cooled by current R&B prince Usher. Is it me or is he losing his hair???

Paris channels Farrah Fawcett
How can anyone take this seriously? See attached of a very Farrah Paris. In the absence of real gossip about real celebrities, Paris has taken over the spotlight with her mysterious bruising and the aptly timed home invasion this weekend. How perfect for Teen Choice that she also just happened to be cohosting their awards too. Can you say spin? Let's recap, shall we? Less than a week after announcing her break up with Backstreet Boy Nick Carter, Paris was spotted with ugly bruises all over her arms and face (see attached)... prompting intense speculation that Nick smacked the sh*t outta her. Cue immediate denials from his camp, and suggestive whispering from hers. Although she has yet to confirm or deny Nick's involvement, her silence is speaking volumes... As if that wasn't enough drama for a lifetime, a week later the house she rents with sister Nicky was ransacked last Friday. The perps made off with private photographs, videos, jewellery, clothing...and tonnes of cash. Which means we can expect a Hilton sister 3 way video to hit the internet next month... Just in time for the worldwide release of Paris' first pop single - Screwed. Hey... it's dirty...but it's pure marketing genius. Hell, at this rate, Ben Affleck should call her agent.

that wraps up my Teen Choice coverage. Unless you're under 20, you're not going to care about anything else that happened... trust me.

Reese - Vanity Fair
The new Vanity Fair cover with Reese Witherspoon... in time for next month's opening of her latest... also titled Vanity Fair, a theatrical adaptation of William Makepeace Thackeray's classic. Inside the magazine, Reese addresses the constant rumours surrounding her marriage...almost to the point where she's on the defensive. And it has me worried. Reese has never been the kind of celebrity who feels the need to characterise or explain issues related to her private life. Which makes this recent revelation all the more curious. It's not like she's just saying that things with her and Ryan and fine and blah blah blah. She actually goes so far as to specifically tackle the stories that keep dogging their relationship: the fact that she's a major superstar and is more successful professionally than her husband. In a very bizarre passage, Reese reveals that "Ryan gets scripts all the time...and is offered enormous sums of money. Everyone we know, all our friends, know he's way more accomplished than I am. So it's really just a joke what these people are saying." Now, ya'll know I love the girl...but isn't there just a smidge of desperation behind those words? Could the gossip really be true? Will Reese and Ryan make it? Let's make that the latest poll question. Shout me back with your thoughts.

Trouble with the Smiths?
Another one of my fave Hollywood couples going through a rough spot? I'm prayin' every day to the Gossip Goddess...and I hope you'll join me! Here's the scoop - So everyone and their breast surgeon knows that Will and Jada rarely do a red carpet alone...most of the time, these two are like SOLID. Which is why most smuthounds - including Ted Casablanca - were buzzing last week when Jada showed up at the premiere of Collateral sans Will and sans wedding band. Granted, he's in Europe doing heavy promo for I, Robot... but still. You gotta wonder if their differences finally found a crack. Will Smith has embraced Hollywood...and in turn Hollywood has made him one of the biggest movie stars in the world. It's a world Jada has problems reconciling with... this is a girl who grew up with Tupac Shakur! Who didn't want to do the Matrix initially because she prefers more black oriented films... And don't forget... she's a super bitch to Will's superstar. So it's not hard to see where their fundamental professional disagreements might lie. When asked for comment, their publicist snapped "they're still together" before hanging up and avoiding the missing wedding ring conundrum. Major problem or minor blip? Stay tuned, I'll keep you posted!

Tommy & his trainer
An interesting tidbit about the gay midget dwarf otherwise known as Tom Cruise. So the NY Post reported today that a hunky but funky looking dude was part of Tommy's entourage last week during all the Collateral hype... not exactly at his side, but lingering close by, slipping in to a seat beside Tom whenever cameras weren't clicking. Cruise's flacks were quick to point out that the mystery metrosexual in question was Tom's longtime trainer ... which I think was a big PR mistake. They just let the Queen out of the closet!! A monogamous relationship with his trainer. Ahhh... it's all coming together now. ( For the benefit of the Cruise legal team: please note the forementioned reflects only my opinion...that your client is a gay midget dwarf. Oh and thank you for reading my column. Please pass it along.)

Penelope looking good
Breaking up with Tommy and having dirty gymnastics sex with Matthew McConnaughey has done wonders for Penelope Cruz. See attached of the lovely Pene on her way from Madrid to LA last week. Love the glowing tan. Love the cute bandana. Love the new cleavage! Ariba ariba girlfriend!

Scarlett & Jared
It's still on. See attached of Scarlett Johannson and a very filthy looking Jared Leto in NYC this weekend. I'm not saying she's a major catch or anything but come on... she can do better than this! I don't care what he looks like when he's clean shaven and showered. The point is...he isn't! Even that nasty old Benicio del Toro is an improvement on this scumbag. At least HE has an Oscar!

Kylie Minogue: fashion criminal
I've never been a fan of animal print....but I can accept in small, tasteful doses. I draw the line however at the full body assault. This is wrong people. WRONG!

Britney, Kevin & daughter
Britney went to visit her soon to be stepdaughter the other day. She brought along her dog and, oh yeah, a couple of photographers. Look... I'm already going to hell... so I'm going to say out loud what ya'll are thinking to yourselves. That's a weird lookin' kid. And it's another reason for her NOT to marry this dude. If she wants to have pretty
babies, her genes are gonna have to do most of the work. Yes.. please feel free to send the hate mail now. I totally agree...I'm a mean, miserable, horrible person.

Vin Diesel
Where are the people who find him sexy? Please identify yourselves. Now take a look at this recent photo of Vin at the London premiere of Riddick. Is it just me... or does he look a lot like Shrek??? I'll attach a photo just to help you out. See???

Guess the breasts
A variation on the old ass game. Good luck.

that's it for me...

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Aug 14, 04
Join Date: Feb 2001
spunsugar is an unknown quantity at this point
is it wrong that I zeroed in on this as soon as I read the words gossip? I'm addicted. HELP ME!!! :(
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Aug 14, 04
Registered User
Join Date: Jan 2004
Scarface is an unknown quantity at this point
Those tits belong to courtney cox.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Aug 14, 04
bungoshlung's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2003
bungoshlung is on a distinguished road
keep 'em coming, its a good waste of time!! lol
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