bryan cried like a little girl last sunday.... :P
this sunday i'm down.. we can play saturday if it works better.. i don't really care... sunday if we happen to get up early enough there's an actual game goin on at like 10:30AM... but i haven't once gotten up in time to show up.... they're in dire need of goalies Mr. PP. On another note... let's get drunk and play video games and spin damnit... why is it soo hard to set this up?? I think the problem is YOU !!!! |
Chris I haven't seen you in forever. Let's do a cheap night of watching things soon! Make the other H&M girls come too. We need to catch up on our shit talking and gossip. |
marty.. just got this now... i'm goin on a serious lack of sleep and in the middle o homework right now... how about this weekend??
rhiannaface.... i miss yoooooou.... whenever is good for you... lemme know... i have the new harry potter!!!! |