^Aww, Myles you rock!
Thanx Everyone else for having my back ;) but you know I got this covered!!!
As for Ashes the troll...
I dont know the deal with you, allison and oscar, but you sure do sound classy by saying your stealing some ones man... That's grade A slut material RIGHT there. thanx gawd Oscar knows better :P
whatever dude... i dont even kno u... i dont know why u gotsta hate on me when i have never met you EVER IN MY LIFE... sry ta call u a ho its just every post i have ever seen u make or thread for that matter, had something to do with sex... *shrugs*
anyway... so why is it that u are not open-minded, and instead jus talk shit to people you dont know?
Maybe I do make a lot of threads about sex, So? Whats your point!? Maybe you should try getting passed the 3 most common postions like missionary. It just might open your eyes.
Who ever said I wasn't opened minded, I am.. but I can be highly opinionated about some things and I'm not the one talking shit actually.. I just like getting a rise outta morons like you.. I rather like eating popcorn.