Originally Posted by Cdn_Brdr
Dear Bryan,
You couldn't kiss any more ass unless you sewed your lips to her chocolate starfish. So no brownie points for you.... brown noser points +100.
Your amigo and co-pilot in life,
Dearest Shawn,
The world we live in is indeed a nutty place, however, no one in it is craziest enough to let the likes of you give out points of any kind whatsoever. In fact, there is even a provincial law forbidding you from giving out points, so unless you want me to alert the authorities to your shenanigans, tomfoolery, high jinks, and even your monkeyshines, I suggest you allow Miss D4isy to decide whether or not I get any points for being such a sweet, kind, gentle young man.
ps. If you keep shining monkeys, I will also alert the SPCA, and then you will get your comeuppance!