Originally Posted by sinnerman
I'm so happy for you; that must have been a major personal breakthrough. Oh, by the way, this thread is notabout me. I'm just a third-party who lives for no other reason than to meddle and interfere by spewing dribble; that's my thing; it's what I do.
---Well, let me just start by saying, that you have sure found the right home for your self here at fnk. Though in the future you may consider toning down the grandiose attempt at a grammatically paramount and lexically verbose, superior intellect. It really doesn’t fool anyone.
Originally Posted by sinnerman
Unlike you, however, I actually know what's going on, and might just be able to articulate an intelligible thought or two.
---Yea, you might just be able to articulate an intelligible thought, you might just manage two. Who knows what someone is capable of when locked away for days at a time due to ocular precipitation and misplaced anxiety, unable to leave their house, much as an ostrich would stick it's head in the sand at first sigh of danger, brought on by 'unknown' circumstances.
(but I can’t ding ya for that, there are always a lot of unknown circumstances that happen when I get all jibbie too.)
Originally Posted by sinnerman
So, if you're looking for an over-inflated ego, try the guy who feels the need to include himself in a discussion that has no meaning to him whatsoever (although in his arrogance he actually believes that he may just be important enough to be the subject of conversation between people whom he has never met) while at the same time fulfilling his duty to announce to us all his intent to avoid dutifully some stranger whom he's already judged, solely because he was offended by his own perfunctory misunderstanding of what was actually being said.
---There you go again, trying to belittle others for your own inflated sense of self worth, and to hide away your inadequacies. You yourself have announced the same intent to 'avoid dutifully' this stranger whom you have shown prejudice towards based absolutely on your own 'perfunctory misunderstandings' of what is being said, and of the situation at hand in it's entirety. I wasn't saying that it must be me zarlon was talking about, and how can you assume that this has no meaning to me? Is it not proof enough that I would see fit to respond to such a post, that I may be in some way involved with the matters at hand? A wise man is one who never draws lengthy judgments from short sentences.
Originally Posted by sinnerman
Thanks for your input, though (especially the safety and honesty part--nice touch!). Seriously, anytime you feel the familiar sting of some new, provocative idea bubbling and festering in that brilliant mind of yours, please feel free to drop me a line. It might just make my day.
That invitation to communicate with me is contingent on your ceasing to split the infinitive: "To not know" just sounds so crude. Next time, try "not to know"; it'll really add some much-needed class to that little operation of yours.
---I apologize, Mr. Sinnerman, for the crass manner I had portrayed myself, I am indeed hoping that once you have read, re-read, and had a chance to look up definitions for the Multisyllabic words; you may take these words to deeper meaning. Trust that right from day 1; many, many, many, painful days, weeks, months, even before the displeasure of meeting you had decimated the belief that there could be no one in this world that could have such negative and on-going repercussions while providing a pay-off substantial enough to prolong the torturous conditions of maintaining contact with such a person, I have stood idly by, and watched as a friend's life slowly corroded away. I did nothing as the condition of his life degraded, knowing full while the careless self-destruction was bound eternally to the frequency of contact by 1 person alone. I did all I could to purge this beast of a person from my own life, I should have stayed and help him do the same. I believe it was Marshall McLuhan who put it best:
Originally Posted by Marshall McLuhan
The winner is one who knows when to drop out in order to get in touch.