How about I put you in charge of Fence Security and you can yell at everyone who tries to hop the fence.
For this job your requirements will be; One large stick for hitting ravers with. One large bottle of gin to get surly with. One chair to pass out in for when the ravers are scarce and the gin has become burdonsome. |
you two can obviously be my "in".
you see when i move to burnaby, (LOL BURNABIES robyn) i'll be in the BIG CITY and all known on fnk, then i'll show up at some cool place and be like hay guys what's going on and everyone won't know me except maybe allison but she'll be so drunk she'll come over hug me and fall down. then i'll be the guy who sits with everyone, never says a word, keeps drinking, then goes home with the chick that i'll marry. in fact, this is a good idea. |