In a three way battle of the funk who would win...
ok i know none of these guys is in their prime any more. You have james brown whos pushin 80, george clinton whos sketchier then ozzy osborne, and rick james who was last seen wandering around main and hastings. though if we take each of these characters in their prime, who is the funkiest mother fucker on the planet, and could out funk em all. i ain't talking about funky smells either cuz if count that then george clinton got them all beat hands down...ever seen that guys weave?...shiiieeettt.
im voting for rick james...that mufucka be straight crazay!@@@@!!! plus he rocked a jerry curl, if that aint funk i don't know what is.
Last edited by SEAN!; May 26, 03 at 12:34 PM.