skills = greatness! hahahaha I've ALWAYS been good with my hands... anything I touch with them ends up good (including what you think ;) ) I fly aeromaplanes reeeeeeelll good, driving/racing/power sliding skills are TOP notch.. just ask the BGH! Je parle francais aussi!. 2nd degree black belter... used to instruct and coach that shtuff too :D I also bake up wicked choco chip cookies and can cook! Hmmm... lessee what other weird stuff can I do... engineer stuff/ camp/ great idea man, can fix almost anything, can drive almost anything ( used to run heavy equipment) More random knowledge stuff. Can pee super fast!!! Rock the face at back massages and such.
I'm completly useless when itcomes to playin music and or drawing :S someone wanna trade me some of those awesome skills? HUGE respect for the artsy guys and gals. You guys always impress the bejesus out of me
Rock it like never before