Originally posted by miska:
can I get a new 12 year old? Mine ripped...
Eeek. :310:
While we're on this topic, here's a sick joke for you:
Q. What's the difference between a catholic priest and acne?
A. Acne waits till you're at least 12 before it comes on your face.
I only dated a guy younger than me once, and it turned out awful.
So yeah, I'm 17, they gotta be at least 17. The top limit used to be 20 until I met the guy I'm with now. He's amazing and he's 23. We go together perfectly, though, the age doesn't make a difference at all.
In my opinion, any guy over the age of 18 shouldn't be touching a girl under 16, but other than that...go for whatever takes your fancy. Not to say I wouldn't be grossed out if I saw a 18-year-old chick with a guy over 30 or something:184: