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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mar 09, 05
Join Date: Mar 2003
inside will become famous soon enoughinside will become famous soon enough
Should I Rave?

Well it's been a very long time since I last went to rave. The Last rave I went to was Spooky 6 in 2001 and the one I went to before that was a cyber hippy party at the plaza of nations in September 2000 and up until that party I had been raving my ass off since Summer Love 99 with out much breaks. I did the polysubstance abuse thing up until September 2000 and then burnt right out. I was clinicaly deppressed (which I think had gone undiagnosed before I started taking drugs, just hit that much harder after the fact), but occasonaly did some drugs, just not nearly as often. I was doing ok. I went to spooky 6 for my bithday a little over a year later with a lot of rest from serious chemicals and that was pretty much it for raves for me at the time. I started going more to night clubs and drinking rather then going crazy with drugs every weekend (somtimes I did them though).

I then met my girlfriend and I quit doing hard drugs. Now its three years into that relationship which we are both fully comitted to. We have also been living together almost a couple of years now, and in that time we've really slown down on going out to clubs to almost nill. Which is really hard for me cause I used to be a bedroom dj (till I had to sell my decks, doh!) and I've been working on becoming a skilled dance producer on and off for the past 5 years(equipment problems, ie-didn't have none, access to some). My girlfriend also has changed her main music taste from DnB to indie rock and shit so its even harder to covince her to come out to a show with me. Also, I don't have very many friends and the ones I do have are not into clubs/dance music. It's not every one elses fault for my lack of getting out to dance floor and busting some grooves. I'm to blame too. I've been in such a hermit state for so long It's hard to get out to nights by myself and met people that are down with dance tunes. That and I'll look like a total loner which in some ways I have no fucking problem with, but in other ways I do, ya know?

So of late I've been having alot of writers block with my tunes and not nearly as much drive and passion as I used to when I was a crazy party kid back in the day which did carry over for some years after I stopped being a crazy party kid. I wanna get out to more club nights to get motivated and wut not but I'm thinking and feeling that I should turn it up a notch and go to rave and pop some really tasty, clean as I can get it, E. Dance my ass off and have a geat time and hopfully cure my writers block for my tunes.

Now you ask "why don't you just go rave pop a cap and shut the fuck up?". Well there are some reasons why I'm a little hesitant about just doing that.

1. My girfriend! She is really into health, she has done drugs, but not very much, she worries about me doing the polysubstance abuse thing again if I ever become a pro dj/producer. She's not into the music as much as she used to be.Which means even if she does go with me to a party and I pop/she doesn't I could see use going home early( ahhhh I'm fucking peaking and you want to go?!?@#@? OMG the dj is play 4 tribes!!!!!) not a good situation. In a way I don't even want to bring this up with her. I can just hear her scoff "you've got to grow up". It's going to be total pain to discuss this with her.

2. I'm too old. At 23 I feel like an old man somtimes. I had to grow up way too fast, I swear somtimes I'm 23 going on 40 with all the responsiblities I have. I looked at some of the pics of Kiss05 and godspeed2. I don't think I would look like a total geezer ala "fan guy" or whatever. but I still might feel like one. BTW raves were better when the average age was 20 kiddies.

3. New ravers are not plurry at all. I'm not saying you have to be the plurriest of plurry candy kids or whatever. But a little loving wouldn't hurt, it ads to the experience for sure. If I wanted additudes I'll just stick with the bar. Do party kids still hug each other when they greet or meet strangers? If I go by myself will people be friendly? I could be and hope I'm wrong about this, but from my experience at Spooky 6 in 2001 I can't imagine what its like now.

So I think that is it. So can anyone sell me on going to a party? Also the substance abuse/depression is a non issue! I'm all good=)

New school rave fashion- wow u youngins sure like skank it up, not that that there is anything wrong with some eye candy. A tight looking girl in some fitted phat pants and a tank top still rocks it better though.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mar 09, 05
-->Tightcore Trucker<--
Join Date: Jan 2001
Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
So what exactly is stoping you?

If you wanna go... GO!


If your gf is scared you'll do something bad.. where's the trust?

I've been partying 5 year[kill me] and I dont go hard at all anymore.. I rarely even attend raves now.. I don't really care or know the people that much. I just go to listen to go listen to some good beats. :)

You dont even need to attend a rave, to hear the music, there's many club/ect that that play all sorta of music. You have many options. So dont just subject yourself to raves.

If you're worried about drugs... Just goto a rave/club/ect that's 19+ that serves liquor. Much better choice then popping a cap n having your eyes in the back of your head.

I assume your into dnb also?
try www.nwdnb.bc.ca they have many event listed on there that I'm sure will interest you.

And you're not too old by a long shot to rave, I have friends that are older than you that are raving. Everyone on here basically ranges from the ages 14-32???
You've got a long ways to go!

Last edited by Bitchin; Mar 09, 05 at 03:52 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mar 09, 05
Join Date: Mar 2003
inside will become famous soon enoughinside will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by Bitchin
And if you're worried about drugs... Just goto a rave/club/ect that's 19+ that serves liquor. Much better choice then popping a cap n having your eyes in the back of your head.

Drugs use is a non issue for me. I want to do e, it's not a problem.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mar 09, 05
Join Date: Dec 2004
diesskei is an unknown quantity at this point
First off, you don't need to be rollin' to be ravin'. I wouldn't worry about looking like a loner at a rave, because every time I go even if I have friends there, I just wander around and dance in different rooms/spots all night and barely see them. Besides, almost everyone is fucked up anyway and they aren't looking at people they don't know and saying to themselves, "wow what a loner!". Should you start raving again? The scene is very meh in my opinion. Far too watered down and mainstream. Talk to some oldschool ravers and they can tell you some sweet stories which wouldn't compare at all to today. Here is a story from a friend of mine in Portland... you tell me if it compares to anything happening nowadays:

"One of my favorite events of all times. I think it was around 96. It was one of those: call a phone number at 11pm, listen to a set of instructions. When u arrive to the final point, use the phone booth at the convinience store and call this number. At about midnight u call the phone number at the convenience store, where the voice tells u go 20 miles west from this place, travel through the country roads, at around 15.7 miles u'll see fork in the road, take left, and after about 6.5 miles the road wills split again take a right etc. etc.... At around 1 am and many miles travelled through places in the middle of nowhere, where only the forest surrounds u for miles on end, u arrive at the end of the paved road. U hit a gravel road leading up the mountain, for about a mile. Dust everywhere, raver cars for a mile infront and behind u. At one point there is no more road to be driven. U stop, u find a parking space in a line of a cars that stretches on both sides of a gravel road for as long as eye can see in both directions. Infront of u is a long climb up the mountain. It's a fool moon. Dust all around u. U start walkin, and walkin and walkin. If it wasn't a full moon, u would see nothing. U left civilization about an hour ago. U r climbing up a freakin mountain for gods sakes. The only thing that is incouraging is the ravers all around u heading in the same direction. As if hypnotized, we all go up the only road available. U can't believe that all the complex maze directions u just received over the phone would bring so many people together in the middle of knowere. It was a full moon as I mentioned, and some people thought it would be a great idea to celebrate! On the top of Oregon Mountain to boot! "What the heck are we doing here in the middle of the night" crossed my mind many times! Is this a right place? Are the directions correct? Rather than answering all these reasonable questions, I continue climbing the stupid hill. After 15 mins of doing so the stupid reasonable questions keep creaping in again. The place cannot be anywhere near here... or is it? Then the music starts pounding from the far away. The closer we r getting to the top, the louder the bass becomes. I start hearing the screams of thousands of excited people. All the other ravers around me pick up their step. By now, they r flying up the hill. At the top of the hill there is all of the sudden a hallway made up of trees. Riding now the top of the hill, the road starts heading down and up and down and up again. Above us there are treetops with their branches extending over our heads, creating a hallway, a tunnel of sorts. At this point, treetops covered the moonlight, and it was too dark to know where the road is taking us. We used the bass line as our guide. About 5 mins down this treetop hallway tunnel, we finally apear at the clearing on the top of the hill! All of the sudden, there is a full moon above our heads, a huge clearing at the top of the mountain, 3 stages with pounding beats, and thousands of ravers, THOUSANDS of ravers having the time of their lives! In the middle of nowhere, on the top of the mountain, under the full moon! It was so sureal... I danced till i could dance no more. In the morning, long after the sunrise has taken place, we headed back home...."

That story always makes me wish I started raving back when.

Heh, the new-school fashion at raves is stupid. I'm all for the girls dressed like skanks, but the dudes need to keep their shirts ON. Like I want some guys nasty ass sweat rubbed all over me directly when they brush against me.

If I were you, I'd try and find a more underground party situation. Closer crowd, probably better dancers, and just generally more fun times. Just my personal opinion though.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mar 09, 05
Join Date: Mar 2003
inside will become famous soon enoughinside will become famous soon enough
^ Thats story is crazy.And I thought I was hardcore running down and aly and through a hole in the fence with a bunch a peeps doging the fuzz to get to the first mitchele island party circa 99.

Your totaly right, you don't have to be rollin to be ravin, I just want to get to know the music again on a more molecular level to give me that creative boost.

Last edited by inside; Mar 09, 05 at 04:11 AM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mar 09, 05
thread killer
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At some social function or other, a woman complained to the renowned pianist Van Cliburn, "I know that my son could be a great concert pianist, but I just can't get him to practice." Whereupon Van Cliburn replied, "Madame, if your son has what it takes to be a great concert pianist, you could not keep him from practicing."
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mar 09, 05
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LeeBrat is on a distinguished road
1. My girfriend! She is really into health, she has done drugs, but not very much, she worries about me doing the polysubstance abuse thing again if I ever become a pro dj/producer. She's not into the music as much as she used to be.Which means even if she does go with me to a party and I pop/she doesn't I could see use going home early( ahhhh I'm fucking peaking and you want to go?!?@#@? OMG the dj is play 4 tribes!!!!!) not a good situation. In a way I don't even want to bring this up with her. I can just hear her scoff "you've got to grow up". It's going to be total pain to discuss this with her.

you may love your gf very much and respect her feelings/thoughts etc, but as i have myself learnt for experiance, you cant let other people run your life and make decisions for you.

2. I'm too old. At 23 I feel like an old man somtimes. I had to grow up way too fast, I swear somtimes I'm 23 going on 40 with all the responsiblities I have. I looked at some of the pics of Kiss05 and godspeed2. I don't think I would look like a total geezer ala "fan guy" or whatever. but I still might feel like one. BTW raves were better when the average age was 20 kiddies.

23, not too old...my "crew" or whatever you wanna call them are 18-24ish. and yes, i agree that there are too many kids running around at these parties, not cool :(
....heh...perhaps more of the older croud should start partying again :p

3. New ravers are not plurry at all. I'm not saying you have to be the plurriest of plurry candy kids or whatever. But a little loving wouldn't hurt, it ads to the experience for sure. If I wanted additudes I'll just stick with the bar. Do party kids still hug each other when they greet or meet strangers? If I go by myself will people be friendly? I could be and hope I'm wrong about this, but from my experience at Spooky 6 in 2001 I can't imagine what its like now.
though it is true that there is not a great "plur/candy kid scene" anymore its still there =) i myself am very plurry/friendly/love hugs.
when i go, i go with a lol of friends, but most of the time i wander off to dance by myslef or meet new ppl, so if u guy by yourself, im sure u could meet tonz of ppl.=)

well, hope to see you at a party sometime. have fun =)

New school rave fashion- wow u youngins sure like skank it up, not that that there is anything wrong with some eye candy. A tight looking girl in some fitted phat pants and a tank top still rocks it better though
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mar 09, 05
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Originally Posted by thump666
^ Thats story is crazy.And I thought I was hardcore running down and aly and through a hole in the fence with a bunch a peeps doging the fuzz to get to the first mitchele island party circa 99.

Your totaly right, you don't have to be rollin to be ravin, I just want to get to know the music again on a more molecular level to give me that creative boost.
hehehe, I remember the Mitchell Island parties.
yeah, I've been partying for about 9 years now and I miss the whole 'call this number, get directions to the checkpoint go there and get directions to the partay thing'; bvut at the same time knowing beforehand where you going helps you make sure you're prepared. :089:
(and if you think you're too old for this.. well I'm 25, 26 in August)
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Mar 09, 05
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LeeBrat is on a distinguished road
^^hehe, ur my hero *hugz* :p
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Mar 09, 05
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23 here, have been on my third wave of raving for about 8 or 9 months now...

It's just a party. If you wanna go, then frikkin' go.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Mar 09, 05
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PS: At age 23, I still find myself feeling young at the parties I go to. From time to time I stumble across one that I swear I'm the youngest person at.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Mar 09, 05
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Originally Posted by Twisted~AngelX
^^hehe, ur my hero *hugz* :p
aw, haha.. thanks babe! *hugglez* :101:
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Mar 09, 05
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Bevvy Swift is a jewel in the roughBevvy Swift is a jewel in the roughBevvy Swift is a jewel in the roughBevvy Swift is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by diesskei
First off, you don't need to be rollin' to be ravin'. I wouldn't worry about looking like a loner at a rave, because every time I go even if I have friends there, I just wander around and dance in different rooms/spots all night and barely see them. Besides, almost everyone is fucked up anyway and they aren't looking at people they don't know and saying to themselves, "wow what a loner!". Should you start raving again? The scene is very meh in my opinion. Far too watered down and mainstream. Talk to some oldschool ravers and they can tell you some sweet stories which wouldn't compare at all to today. Here is a story from a friend of mine in Portland... you tell me if it compares to anything happening nowadays:

"One of my favorite events of all times. I think it was around 96. It was one of those: call a phone number at 11pm, listen to a set of instructions. When u arrive to the final point, use the phone booth at the convinience store and call this number. At about midnight u call the phone number at the convenience store, where the voice tells u go 20 miles west from this place, travel through the country roads, at around 15.7 miles u'll see fork in the road, take left, and after about 6.5 miles the road wills split again take a right etc. etc.... At around 1 am and many miles travelled through places in the middle of nowhere, where only the forest surrounds u for miles on end, u arrive at the end of the paved road. U hit a gravel road leading up the mountain, for about a mile. Dust everywhere, raver cars for a mile infront and behind u. At one point there is no more road to be driven. U stop, u find a parking space in a line of a cars that stretches on both sides of a gravel road for as long as eye can see in both directions. Infront of u is a long climb up the mountain. It's a fool moon. Dust all around u. U start walkin, and walkin and walkin. If it wasn't a full moon, u would see nothing. U left civilization about an hour ago. U r climbing up a freakin mountain for gods sakes. The only thing that is incouraging is the ravers all around u heading in the same direction. As if hypnotized, we all go up the only road available. U can't believe that all the complex maze directions u just received over the phone would bring so many people together in the middle of knowere. It was a full moon as I mentioned, and some people thought it would be a great idea to celebrate! On the top of Oregon Mountain to boot! "What the heck are we doing here in the middle of the night" crossed my mind many times! Is this a right place? Are the directions correct? Rather than answering all these reasonable questions, I continue climbing the stupid hill. After 15 mins of doing so the stupid reasonable questions keep creaping in again. The place cannot be anywhere near here... or is it? Then the music starts pounding from the far away. The closer we r getting to the top, the louder the bass becomes. I start hearing the screams of thousands of excited people. All the other ravers around me pick up their step. By now, they r flying up the hill. At the top of the hill there is all of the sudden a hallway made up of trees. Riding now the top of the hill, the road starts heading down and up and down and up again. Above us there are treetops with their branches extending over our heads, creating a hallway, a tunnel of sorts. At this point, treetops covered the moonlight, and it was too dark to know where the road is taking us. We used the bass line as our guide. About 5 mins down this treetop hallway tunnel, we finally apear at the clearing on the top of the hill! All of the sudden, there is a full moon above our heads, a huge clearing at the top of the mountain, 3 stages with pounding beats, and thousands of ravers, THOUSANDS of ravers having the time of their lives! In the middle of nowhere, on the top of the mountain, under the full moon! It was so sureal... I danced till i could dance no more. In the morning, long after the sunrise has taken place, we headed back home...."

That story always makes me wish I started raving back when.

Heh, the new-school fashion at raves is stupid. I'm all for the girls dressed like skanks, but the dudes need to keep their shirts ON. Like I want some guys nasty ass sweat rubbed all over me directly when they brush against me.

If I were you, I'd try and find a more underground party situation. Closer crowd, probably better dancers, and just generally more fun times. Just my personal opinion though.

if i had the energy to tell you the whole story of "im funkin sorry" im sure everyopne who was there would tell you it was surely a night to remember.

if you wana rave, just fuckin do it man. 23 isnt that old, and unless you show up to a breaks/jungle party fully candied out, im sure no one will give you attitude either.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Mar 09, 05
Eveebody Like Big Bawlz~!
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xxViceRoyxx is an unknown quantity at this point
Ok, you either keep on thinking like that until you actually grow old then start pondering and regretting, life is too short, dont take the time u have for granted, go out there and fucking have a blast!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Mar 09, 05
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Originally Posted by thump666
The Last rave I went to was Spooky 6 in 2001 and the one I went to before that was a cyber hippy party at the plaza of nations in September 2000 and up until that party I had been raving my ass off since Summer Love 99 with out much breaks.
I was at both Spooky 6 and Phantasia (i think that's the other one you're talking about) as well, Spooky 6 being the last massive I was at. I'd like to get out to a party again, but it seems to me that none of the parties nowadays bring in the big names I'm looking for. The golden oldies of techno play in the Commodore or even Sonar now - which is ok by me, but I would love to see Cox, Vath or even Nick Warren at a 'rave'.

Maybe given the right party, we should set up a crew of older party kids for an outing...
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Mar 09, 05
Join Date: Mar 2003
inside will become famous soon enoughinside will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by J-DAWG
At some social function or other, a woman complained to the renowned pianist Van Cliburn, "I know that my son could be a great concert pianist, but I just can't get him to practice." Whereupon Van Cliburn replied, "Madame, if your son has what it takes to be a great concert pianist, you could not keep him from practicing."
No it's not like that. In no ways am I "gifted" or "natural" producer, I had to work fuckin hard to get the skills I have. I'm just in a creative slump. Everyone gets it. You have to remeber a lot of creative and great music has come out of drug use: The Beatles smoked weed and dosed lsd, The Jazz players had there opium, Goldie was on E while making timeless with Rob Playford, though i suspect he didn't do much of the enginering end of things ause I tried to make some beats on E and it was way to hard to operate everything. I read that the guys in Phish would take shrooms once a year and play in the dark for the entire trip with there eyes closed to "reconnect" with the music on a different level.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Mar 09, 05
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Originally Posted by diesskei
Here is a story from a friend of mine in Portland... you tell me if it compares to anything happening nowadays:
It sounds glamourous.

Personally, I hated being stuck in some farmer's field nowhere near the party because of sketchy infoline directions.

It was supposed to make the party more fun to get to, more often than not it'd just be annoying. Unless you'd need a map, in which case checkpoints were pretty standard.

Last checkpoint I went to was last March/April.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Mar 23, 05
mMmmm Bass
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samosa is an unknown quantity at this point
what is a rave?
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Mar 24, 05
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spunsugar is an unknown quantity at this point
23 old? I'm going to go cry into my wrinkle cream.

if you want to go , go. if you don't then don't. not hard. if you don't think she'd like it, don't bring her. if you do, then drag her along. you don't have to do everything together, you pon't have to bang on agree with every thing you do. if my bf told me to grow up, I would kick him in the nuts. heh, but that's just me
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Mar 24, 05
ToTaLLy AdDiCtEd To BaSs
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Jeaninah is an unknown quantity at this point
ohh my gosh.
is that even a question.
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