Under the Volcano Festival
Did anyone hear about this??
All I heard is there was some Hip Hop Festival/Show happening at Cates park in North Van So I took my lil 16 year old sister and her friend there and all I gotta say is........WTF??????? Don't get me wrong it was cool and all, about 2000 to 3000 peeps out having a good time. BUT IT WAS SO WEIRD!!! When we first got in you can here the guy on the main stage FUCK CRETIEN, FUCK THE GOVERMENT, FUCK CRETIEN, FUCK THE GOVERNMENT, then the Black Panthers started rapping I'll name some weird things we saw first Topless Hairy Armpit/Legged ladies dancing with the children to Nuskool Breaks My sister saw some girl getting impatient in the line up for a toilet stall so she just peed in the sink where people wash their hands LOTS OF HIPPIES The crazy guitar lady who thought it sounded good to turn on some noise that sounds like this SHREEEEEEEEEEEEIIJKKKKIIKIKIIKEEEEEEEEKI KKKIKIKKEEEEEEEKKKIKIKIKEEEEEEIKKIKKEEEE E Basically there were just to many weird things to write here Now on to the booths, their views and what they were telling my poor lil sister I'm very nonjudgemental so I let people speak and I listen, I ask alot of questions and if they can prove their point to me, then I'll support their cause Some peepsI agreed with and support like the Banning of leg hold traps and so on Here's some people I thought were just insane after talking to them THE CANADIAN COMMUNIST PARTY It took me a while to talk to this guy cause he was never around, there was another guy sitting there "booth sitting". I asked him "Why Communism?" and he said "oh I'm not a communist, I'm a Ralien" (Raliens are some cult from outer space or somethin' that say they've cloned the first human) Well a few hours later I met him He had his own answers of obvious questions like "why did Communism fail in the USSR." But when I asked more difficult questions he just would blame it on the rest of the world and try to change the subject. He said my questions involved the economy and it was unrelated, but I think that they're both very related. they are, aren't they? He told me that if Canada was more like North Korea we'd be alot happier. Appearantly he says North Korea is doing just fine as a society, and is a role model for the world. Appearantly the UN are blowing the human rights problems there oput of proportion. He also told my lil sis that she should have the right asa kid to choose their own parents and rules. He gave up on me when I asked why we as the people should not only depend on the government for everything we own, but accept the fact that they 100% control how much of everything we're allowed to own. For example if I owned a lemonade stand, I'm only allowed to sell so much and I'm only allowed so many lemons, so much sugar etc even if the demand is higher. THE NO WORK SOCIETY This guy was great...hasn't had a job in years.....He doesn't believe in them. We were invited to quit our jobs and join them. Well how can we live without jobs I ask We all live off eachother, he "helps people" and return they will repay him with money or food. I said thats basically working under the table thats all. So he's just avoiding taxes. That made him a little frusterated.....apearantly I didn't understand. He doesn't expect anything in return, he's a volunteer. If he gets anything its just a bonus I asked him to come clean my house, he said sure no problem, I told him I don't want to give him anything in return and he said he can't do it then! I think I spoke with him for about an hour, I think he was on drugs, couldn't really answer any questions. He believed that he was gaining respect form so may people that within our life time we will see a change from cities to how The Natives used to live before the white man came....Once we did that the world will follow cause we'd be so successful !!WAP!! WOMEN AGAINST PRISONS!!!! Not only should we abolish double bunking, overcrowding, Life sentences and maximum security but we should just abolish prisons all togethor!!! Especially womens prisons!! Appearantly Canadian Prisons are one of the worst in the world!!! THE NO MORE POLICE BRUTALLITY SOCIETY Sounds good at first but after reading their panflets and listenng to them I wanna smack them out myself. These guys need a good beating! The panphlet they gave me basically told me my rights......sounds good at a glance but then it teaches me on how to be as non coopertive to the police as possble, how not to get caught/ pepper sprayed in a demonstation. If we suspect Narc in the crowd we should all circle him and yell NARC NARC NARC. It also tells me how to treat myself when "THE PIGS" pepper spray me or if I get caught ina tear gas raid. Teaches me to wear non discriptive clothing, keep my hair so they can't pull it and to wear a mask if I have to so people can't give my description. and of course NEVER TALK ON THE PHONE ITS MOST LIKELY TAPPED!!!! ........................................ ... I'm sorry I may sound ignorant but I have my opinion to....I think half these peeps are nuts and need to get a job. There opinions were easily shot down and they had nothing to say when questions were difficult (but not unreasonable) its like they only thought of the easy questions people asked. It was a very interesting day, I smoked Pot, I haven't smoked Pot in so long!! I don't think I want to for another few moths =/ it made me think everyones nuts and its making me ramble long messages on F & K!! Can't wait for Shambhala!!! Damn hippies!! AGROout |
I used to go every year - I am a big fan of naked dancing hippies
and the fact that there were usually finger poainting booths -or make your own braclet tables' the oddball political stuff I prefer from a distance, I'm not big on people trying to make me a part of their Manson family - so I usually stayed a great distance away and would instead talk with the vendors - I met a guy who only makes pink tye dye shirts Only pink - ever |
this is one strange event that i happen to attend every year. but this years show wasnt as good as last years. las year at the main stage they had some pretty good tribal beats with fire dancers that came on around 9 o'clock. things got even crazier when they brought out a huge paper mashe sculpture structured by chicken mesh. it was titled "the black heart of the bc liberals" and i thought to myself as soon as i saw it- this sure would look cool on fire. and before i new it, the hippies had the black heart lit up with flames that were about 20 feet high. i thought the trees would have went up in flames! awesome. i think they got shit though, cuz there was no such show this year. everyone should check it out next year though. and do acid if u want a real trip. youll fit right in!
hahaha its always a hippy fest.
if you stay away from the main stage they normally have some cool stages, with some djs down by the beaches. I find the main stage gets way too political. Last year was awesome. There were maybe 400 of us dancing by the beach to a tribally trancy kind of dj. We were all pretty stoned but their were kids who were probably 3 dancing, and grannys who were like 70 dancing. It was pretty cool to see that. But is kind of bizarre at the same time. Lots of "odd folk" |
haha.. AGOculture, I thought I saw your little bald white ass there.. I thought it was a good festival. The diversity of the people who were there is what surprised me, every social group was well represented even the more eccentric groups that you don't see around anymore(like the hippies) and the vibe was more positive than most events I've ever been to. Granted that the friends I brought along were looking at me funny for bringin 'em there, but hey.. I love being around strange people.