Vicious Vic is always a crowd pleaser. See'ing deliverance back will be SWEET also. woot! the unconscious bros are on a roll! it's good to see the team up also boys.
we here at Bassline are excited to team up with our usual partner in crime AGRO, and throw the crazy Unconscious Bros. in the mix, u know its gonna be off the hook!
we here at Bassline are excited to team up with our usual partner in crime AGRO, and throw the crazy Unconscious Bros. in the mix, u know its gonna be off the hook!
DELIVERANCE Is comming back.......holy crap this is going to be a gong show for sure. Is he comming back before then or flying in that day. Fuck it's been way too long!
I hope Azims putting a little drinking bash together.
we here at Bassline are excited to team up with our usual partner in crime AGRO, and throw the crazy Unconscious Bros. in the mix, u know its gonna be off the hook!
Lets all vote on here and see if Diamond will listen to us and wear something that will just amaze the people of vancouver (mostly guys) and talk about it for months on end, now be discreet she can't be naked ok!