Originally Posted by Schif.T Productions
hey join the automatic team on tues july 5 for night of fun. there will be a discount at the door with your4 play ticket so get them early. as far as the free tickets contest who ever comes up with there idea and pulls off there stunt successfully with proof will win the tickets !! come up with some ideas
HAHAAHA! Tony you kill me! nice contest... no rules or guidelines... just do somethin and you get tickets, haha. you gotta tell me what people present you with!
Matty and I wont be at Lotus for the pre-party! Sorry, i forgot... we are out of town.
Im heading to your party on Saturday from Nanaimo, so if i hear of any vancity kids not pullin their shit together and going to this party, well.. they will feel the rath of Ky-Lee! eh eh eh