i got something to fill your ears with MY HUGE C****k!!!!! HAHAHAHA
Originally Posted by Bitchin
Not that I dislike house... but fuck.... I would have like to fill my ears with a bit of somethign else.
no doubt it would have been sweet if all the stages came up with some sort of plan because the two best stages had the same thing going at the same time...house then speed garage but all at the same hrs they should have worked together to set it up so they had one stage bumpin house and the other speed garge etc...
but still had fun:) cheers guys thanks again**
and as for jungle being thrown down last,again, at the end of the night when noone can dance(as always!)....man if my boy sully could of bumped it at like 2ish he puts down the meanest sets ever and it would have mad the night that much better!!! so boo to that!!