Stupid fake nastoga (sp)
Fake Nostalga(sp)
I believe this is a rant I've had for a while.
It all started just before I graduated. I was sitting around with some of my high school friends, and somehow the topic got to the 80's. That's fine, the 80's have some groooooovvvvvvyyyyy, things in them. But what really erked me was that the disscusion started with the line "Remeber those crazy 80's". You see, that's all well and good if your old enough to remeber anything from the 80's except reading rainbow, seseme street and pissing your pants.
To make it clear, We were 18 at the time.
When the 80's ended we were 6.
6? I don't know about you, but all I can remeber from the 80's are some kick ass saturday morning cartoons. If you ask the average 6 year old about their youth culture, trends and fashion, your going to get something along the lines of, "velcro strips on my shoes rule."
Why am I brining this up again?
Chuck Taylors.
For those who don't know, those are the shoes from the time long gone. Converse basketball shoes. I used to wear them when I was a kid (around 4-6). I remeber they were shit shoes. They fucking sucked for any type of sports or anything like that. No support or anything.
No, what they were good for was cheap shoes (they were something like 15 bux).
So about a month ago, I relazie my shoes are toast, I need new ones, but I don't wanna spend this paycheck on them. So I say, hey I got 20 bux in my pocket, I'll stop by some of the shoe stores downtown while I'm there with some friends and pick it up, and still have enough left over for a comic!
Hell no, You know what they wanted for a pair of these shoes? 50 fucking bux.
50 bux? These shoes SUCK. It's a slab of rubber with cloth around it dyed some color.
Naturally though, I throw a fit and to into a rant similar to this one while at the store. Basically saying anyone who pays 50 bux for a pair of these pieces of shit is a fucking moron (I think the price was actually 56 bux now...). As I finish, I look over to see a pair of 15 year old girls, staring at me as they try on their 56 dollar fake nastoga...
I've decided to make a rule, nobody is alowed to be nostalgic for a time they didn't experiance
You kids who wanna joke about how crazy you were during the 80's? I get to run a lawnmower over your foot.
If you even try something REALLY FUCKING STUPID, such as the 70's or 60's (i've seen people try this) I am now allowed to run your entire body over with a lawnmower.
And something else, what's up with girls saying their bi, and into a whole bunch of fucked up fietish stuff, remeber when people who were actually into that fucked up fietish stuff actually kept it a secret.
Wait... they still do, it's just the really annoying 16-19 year olds who wish they were, trying to get a shock out of other people. It's not shocking anymore.
And another thing, someone tried concinving me that I was shocked and couldn't handle the fact that they were into bdsm (never mind the fact that it was a 15 year old virgin) but they acutally said:
"And I'm not talking about fuzzy cuffs"
So the whole point to this rant, be true to yourself, and don't try fitting into something which you have no hope of ever understanding...