My Mouse.
arg.... its like the dopest mouse ever but it KEEPS ON DYING!!!
arg.. its a cordless mouse and take batteries(obviously).. but the batterie keep dies(so I think) but when I play around with it or bash it agaisnt my desk a few times.. THEN its starts working again... ITS SOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKING ANNOYING!!! now I sorta wish I got a mouse with a cord, but this on is soooooooooo nice when it decides to friggen work. maybe I should take it back or something????0_o I dunno... JUST WORK DAMN IT!!! /me learns house to use her computer sans un mouse! oi |
^is it blue and silver?
cause Ihave the same brand as you.. and we just bought it too.. its just that I think thers something with the wireing from the batteries to the.. wuteva it goes too :P arg.. it has died again since I posted this though.. so its all good :) |