Originally Posted by Avana
dave, i am totally disappointed in you.
I understand the concept of an addictive personality, and I can see entirely why this would translate to sex addiction.
But people take behavioural problems and equate them to medical problems, and that just plain doesn't work.
Too many people with behavioural problems use the label as a crutch and refuse to take accountability for their actions. So, the guy's a sex addict. Fine. Still no reason for him to start jerking it in the library. He should be able to find outlets for his addiction, not just default on it as an excuse whenever he fucks up. If you know anything about behavioural psychology, then you'd know that just letting him slide convinces him that there's no repercussions to his actions and he can continue doing it.
Medecine is not the final actions. Stop believing the pharmaceutical companies who would convince you that "Restless Leg Syndrome" is a real problem for people or that having high stress in life deems you disorderly.
Google all you want, go read a textbook.