lol the only reason girls are ever hoes to guys is that they either a.) have their period which should be enough said how would u feel if u bled for like 7 days, had horrible cramps which sometimes compromise your ability to stand up, are bloated like no tomorrow, and you skin is horrible as it has ever been. Can u really blame us? b.) have been pushed around and mistreated by so many guys they have had enough of it, sometimes u guys dont get how cruel you can really be anmd finally c.) sometimes heaven forbid, we jsut have bad days! I know u think its not posible but it happens, and beleive it or not there are more serious problems than not getting laid for a week.
Yeah some girls are jsut bitches, but seriously most girls arent unless provoked... generally guys are nice to and yeah jsut like us u can have bad days... but u all know you know at least one guy who is a complete and total asshole, and those are ususally the guys girls end up with... so give us some credit!