Originally posted by Lady_Venom
if your serious...why do you hate Plaza parties? ????
You should consider yourself lucky that you have such a venue and stop yer bitching.
such a venue? what about it? why is it soo great? it's a place where most people go to do drugs and a small amount go to listen to music they can go see at the bar. For example Krafty Kuts. It's a place where you can see stupid idiots od and die, asain death circles and don't forget the pre-pubic 12 yr. olds fucked outta their minds. Sure we've all had our good times at plaza. But all in all it's a sick place. If you were to stop the music and turn the lights on half way through the night I don't think it would be such a great place.
Courtney shouldn't stop bitching, she should just stop going.