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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sep 22, 01
bob bob is offline
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friends choosing drugs over you

i'm supposed to be on my way to victoria with my best friend right now... but he called me at like 4 this morning, and told me he doesn't wanna go anymore because the whole reason he wanted to go, was to get acid from this chick, and he found out that she can't get it afterall, ontop of that, he didn't have much jib left, so he figured there was no point in going... even though he still has a ticket to a party there tonite...

i'm glad i didn't buy my ticket yet, cuz i'd totally be at his throat if he made me buy a ticket, then sold me out...

what a fiend... i wanted to go to victoria cuz i haven't been there in so long, and i wanted to hit up an island party... i was gonna go sober too... now i have no plans for the weekend, because i booked my weekend off to go to victoria with him... what a jerk... u know what he said he's gonna do today? "...so, i'm probably just gonna head down to north van. and get a bunch of jib off ****" ... what a fuckin' loser... he's gonna blow $100 on jib, because he's a friggin' warrior now... whereas he coulda just spent $10 and hopped on the ferry with me, and partied in victoria, maybe found some drugs at the party if he was that desperate, and we coulda spent the next morning wandering around the island...

i'm not impressed... he's one of the very few friends i have, probably the BEST of the BEST friends i have, but now i don't want to have anything to do with the guy... i'm trying to clean up myself, but he doesn't seem to wanna grow up.

i guess i gotta leave him behind. i don't have time to wait around for him to get his act together. it always seems like i'm 1 step ahead of this guy, and he always ends up catching up to me eventually... but this time, i don't want him to follow me. so i'm just gonna start ignorin' him...

ouch... that hurts me...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sep 22, 01
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mister-peenutt has a little shameless behaviour in the past
oh i know many people like that.

but the only thing you can really do is just say fuck it. theres no point it bending over backwards for them if they aren't gonna do the same for you.

they'll learn that drugs are shit. but by that time it'll be too late.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sep 22, 01
*FeMaLe JunGLisT*
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awww poor bob.

You know what....... in my opinion , as a friend......the last thing you should do is drop him.............

Why dont you tell him what he's turned into? be serious about it and tell him what you typed in ur post?? and its not gay for guys to share their feelings! =o)

Just tell him you consider him a good friend and dont want him wasting his life ect............

And if he shuts you out........ fuck em..... at least u tried to help him rite??
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sep 22, 01
E is for Erica ;)
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Ugh, I totally know what you mean...:(

Don't feel like talking about this right now...

But I guess I shouldn't say much anyways, cause at one point, I chose drugs over some of my close friends as well. Pretty sad...now I've learned how incredibly stupid that was, cause once I realised what I was doing and pulled out of it, those friends were long gone.

Erica :AZN:
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sep 22, 01
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Yikes bob!!

That kinda blows :( Sorry to hear about your spoiled foiled weekend. I hope you weren't coming out to that huge party "Rave Victoria: Freaks of Rhythm", were you? Because if you were, that's shitty!!! F&K are playing out there and you could have hung out with moi :Kimmie:

Well, hope you figure out what you're gonna do... and have fun doing it, k? :)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sep 22, 01
i really look like this!
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yeah in a way I guess I sort of chose a life that involved a lil big of drugs... or to be more specific I chose partying rather than my usual friends.. so I guess I can't blame any one for pointing at me and laughing saying "Raver".. not that they do or anything... well not that something like that hasn't happened..

But I understand your need to leave him.. sometimes, i think that you have to be selfish and do that if it means bettering your own life...

If you want to come "clean" and if leaving him is the only way.. sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do...

sounds harsh but that's what I think... no reason why he should drag you down with him... it's tolerable to a certain extent... but if it keeps happening over and over again.. It just becomes a waste of your own time...

it just sucks that it has to be one of your best friends though...
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sep 22, 01
bob bob is offline
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Re: Yikes bob!!

Originally posted by kiMMie
That kinda blows :( Sorry to hear about your spoiled foiled weekend. I hope you weren't coming out to that huge party "Rave Victoria: Freaks of Rhythm", were you? Because if you were, that's shitty!!! F&K are playing out there and you could have hung out with moi :Kimmie:

Well, hope you figure out what you're gonna do... and have fun doing it, k? :)
that's exactly where i was going... shit, f&k are spinning there? fuck this... i'm furious now... what a jip...

thanks for the advice & understanding yoko* and others...
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sep 22, 01
Aki Aki is offline
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bob that sucks ass
that party looks dope..i would go with you but i'm not in cool terms with my parents right now...eeek ! and i have to work at 8:30 AM! thanks save on i love you
i haven't actually heard F&K spin...it's pretty sad actually cuz i've been to parties where they have, and have just not paid attention at all! (but this was before i was on F&K)
...island parties rule....if it's at the same place where funkngruvn was....thats hardcore cuz that site was awesome. i wish i were there!
your so called friend is obviously CUT..thats what i say! cut and severed, i mean seriously what a fucken loser if he can't go to a party sober, i do it all the time! last 2 parties i've done it, and it's totally way better, then being totally FUCKED. like walk around making fun of all the crack heads convulsing in the corner, and like seeing people in the morning is the WORST. everyone looks like SHIT, seriously..everyone looks skinny and grey and soo messed. i like seeing them like that cuz i know that i'm not one of them, and i feel proud of myself!! like if someone is so dependent on drugs to have "fun" thats fucken sad..he's obviously jsut going to the party to DO drugs, not to actually for hte music and the dancing...bob, you don't need this guy!!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sep 22, 01
bob bob is offline
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my sister works at save-on too... hehe... the new one in white rock or whatever... but she's been with the company for a year or so...

ISLAND PARTIES ARE THE SHIT! everyone there is soooo hardcore, haha... island girls are scary though... vicious bitches...

and about my friend... it's not the easiest thing for me to do... i've been friends with this guy for 10 years, his family is basically the only family i care for, other than my sister & my nephew... i'm really close with his parents, his brother, his sister, his dog, his cats... it's really freakin' hard to just disappear on them just cuz of drugs...

i'm considering talking to his parents about this... but that's gonna be hard, cuz i'm to blame for him getting into partying in the first place... even though i tried to keep him away from drugs, his parents thinks it was me who got him into drugs... argg... actually i think i'll stop by his house tomorrow and have a chat with his parents while he's out... his dad won't overreact too much, but his mom will probably kick her son's ass after i tell her... that's what i'm worried about... she'll probably rag on me for doing drugs too, but in all actuality, i can say no when i have to, and their son can't, that's why i'm stepping in (i'm gonna use that line tomorrow)...

my friend's gonna hate me for a while after i do this...

maybe he'll thank me when we're older...

this is a really bad time to do it though... his grandma is in the hospital on her death bed right now... but i'm not gonna sit around and let this shit go any further... maybe i should bring this up.... "i really don't think his grandmother would want to pass away knowing that her grandson is a drug addict" or something like that... hehe... i'm writing a speech right now...
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sep 23, 01
Aki Aki is offline
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dooo it bob!

you have to go talk to his parents! then he'll learn his bloody lesson!
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sep 23, 01
bob bob is offline
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this is so fucked up... last nite, me and my friend went out for coffee, then she wanted to go get a movie. it was just before midnite, so the video store was closing (and my drug addict friend's brother works there), and i was sitting outside the video store with her for a couple minutes, cuz she was plaing with her phone... and my drug addict friend pulls up to pick up his brother... so i hung out with him until his bro. got off work... and u know what? all he talked about was how he did 2 points of jib in the morning, and that he was still "good"... what a fucking prick... he asked me if i wanted a ride home, cuz i told my other friend to go home cuz i wanted to chill with my drug addict friend for a bit... i told him i was gonna walk home, it's a 30 minute walk from the video store to my house, but i'm so glad i didn't get in a car with him and have to put up with his drug stories for another 5 minutes...

what a prick... i'm going to his house around 3 today...
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sep 23, 01
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I think if you feel, as a best friend, to *intervene*, then I totally agree in talking with his parents. It's understandable that you and his family are close, but confronting them about this issue will be very difficult and words said must be chosen very carefully. Hopefully, after all the angry and confusion settles, they'll come to an understanding that you told them out of concern for him.

Good luck bob. I've had to do this *kinda* once in my lifetime, and it was really hard to pick the right thing to say in the right way.

Keep us posted, k?
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sep 23, 01
bob bob is offline
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so i went to his house this afternoon. he wasn't home (probably railing something in someone's basement), but his 'rents were...

they asked me "hey bob whatcha doin' here?". i have a tendency to just walk in their house whenever, they leave their door unlocked all the time. i told them i was just stopping by to say hi, since i was "in the neighbourhood". they know i don't live anywhere near them, but my other best friend lives a couple blocks away, so i used her as my alibi... they told me richard (my friend) had gone out to north van (where his dealer lives) for the day... so i acted retarded, and systematically they asked me if i wanted to stay for a bite to eat. great, my foot was in the door (and the damn dog kept gnawing on it). small talk for a while, then THEY actually brought up the drug thing... they asked me if i was still "into that kinda thing"... i told them i've been drinking a lot more lately, but i haven't touched anything chemical in the past 2 months, other than marijuana which was a spur of the moment thing on my b-day last weekend... then they asked me about richard, if he was staying clean as well... i guess they assumed he was, seeing as i was... so i kinda gave them the "i've got some bad news for you" look... i told them that richard has been getting out of control lately, falling into addiction... they weren't too upset. i guess they already feared it would happen, and were somewhat prepared...

so i tried to shift the conversation away from simply his drug problem... i attacked from a different angle, i told them about how i was feeling disappointed with him, and how i've been avoiding him for the past little while because i can't have anyone influencing me, or pushing me towards drugs... they started to admire me or something, telling me that i've "always been leading richard into different directions, he always seems to follow you. you're practically his mentor" (talk about a confidence boost to me)... then the "but..." came... "but... he branches off every now and then, usually when you're off running around chasing girls, or being chased by girls, he does his own thing...". i laughed. his parents think i'd be a backstreet boy if i was a little more sociable...

then richard's younger brother came home... so we changed the subject.

i hung out and played some video games with richard's bro. for a while... then his parents offered to take us all out for dinner... so went went to the cactus club, the one in burnaby if u must know...

the 'rents decided to re-open the conversation abruptly, right after i ordered a beer... they started interrogating richard's brother (andrew for convenience), and he said he didn't know much about what was going on, but he figured richard had a problem... that wasn't too far from the truth. i backed him up nonetheless, seeing as he's not just my best friend's bro. but he's a good friend of mine too... i told his parents that he'd been doing drugs while they were home. that he was sometimes taking them just to stay up all night because he figured he "needed" to stay up all nite to get things done. truth be told, he wanted to get his homework done before monday, but it wasn't actually due until wednesday. he just wanted a couple days off... i told them that i knew they've always seen me as a bad, or rather "extreme" influence on richard. and they didn't deny it. so i started defending myself. i told them how i work hard so i can play hard, i went to college for a bit, i do this and that, i pay my dues, and so on... i started to defend myself with a passion... my best defense is always my personality one, "i know i'm all retarded, and wacko when i'm around, and i'm usually a loudmouth, and always have something funny to say at the dinner table... but honestly, i just like to stir up a little comedy into your lives... it's my way of expressing affection. i think u guys know that i'm a totally different person when i'm dating a girl, cuz we've had dinners similar to these before, where you'd invited my girlfriend at the time, and even though i was still cracking jokes, i restrained myself to a gentleman's level."

hehe... sorry, i had to bring that quote out... i wrote it last nite, memorized it, and was soooo happy when i got to use that line on them... but they totally bought it... it was DEAD SILENT for a good minute. i ordered another beer. why am i drinking import beer? who cares? it's great stuff.

then his mom spoke... "we'll sit richard down. he's gonna be pissed off at you for ratting him out, but he'll come to his senses. you guys had a fight last year about him being used by other people, and u bitched him out, and we knew all about it. u guys didn't speak for a couple months, but u worked it out. and once again, he was following you down that path again". i was flattered. and drunk. then they got all smooth with me... this was going great... they said "if you're serious about cleaning up your act, and taking charge, and etc... then richard will probably come to his senses and see that you're doing what's best for him..." they said a bunch more from then on, but i really don't remember much... i drank alot... i had to... this was getting too sentimental for me...

ANYWAYS... i haven't talked to richard yet, cuz he's probably high in some bush right now... maybe he went to sunday sessions or something... but i'm guessing he'll call me tomorrow...

and we'll go from there...

in the meantime... i figure i'm gonna be short a friend for the next little while... not to mention i'm single... that means i have an almost completely free personal life... all i gotta do now is go to work. and that SUCKS!

where's a good "wholesome girl" (as i preached to snyx) when i need one? no more crack fiend unfaithful girls. i need a GEEK. straight out of the math honors class. calculus even. ok i'm getting carried away...

tonite was quite liberating...
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Sep 23, 01
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I'm assuming you talked to him before talking to his parents right...? (Sorry if it was mentionned somewhere in that post, I'm really tired so am not paying total attention.)
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Sep 23, 01
bob bob is offline
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no, i haven't talked to him about this yet... but he got the idea last nite, i ran into him, and he offered me a ride home, and i turned him down... he gave me a pretty weird look, but i just walked off like i didn't plan on seeing him again.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Sep 23, 01
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Well, this probably isn't the greatest thing to say now, but in the future it's nicer to talk to the person before their parents, because parents sometimes have a way of... flipping out... which makes things worse not better.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Sep 24, 01
drunk in montreal
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As the Fresh Prince would say, sometimes parents just don't understand :P

My mom doesn't really have the slightest clue that I've tried anything. She found weed in my pants years ago when I was in highschool and she flipped badly, though not at me. I think my brother managed to convince her I wasn't smoking my life away. Moot point now seeing as how I quit out of my own volition for my own personal reasons.

With all of the bullshit about E and drugs in general in the newspapers there's really no way of explaining that you can do it in moderation, and that when you do it infrequently it's relatively harmless. It's just not worth getting into. Personally, I'd be choked if someone came to my mom and said I had some drug problem (if I actually had one) without coming to me first. On the same token, you probably did the right thing.

Meth is just bad, don't touch the shit.
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