so i am crazy sick right now with a bad chest cold, i feel like ass, i had a late night last night, and after i got off work 2day im like yay i can come home and sleep...NO APPARENTLY NOT. My niece was here she knows im not well and she was being a spoiled lil fire breathing monster screaming outside of my door stomping around upstairs
then my dad...who knows im sick as well starts singing x-maz carols like hes luciano fricken pavarotti, then my mom and sister came home and they were being crazy loud too i come out of my room balling my eyes out cuz im so tired from being sick and stuff and in alot pf pain from being sick and they r like SHUT THE FUCK UP. like wtf? i am considerate when other people r sick!I baby my family when they r sick, the least they coulda done for me was shut the fuck up for about 20 mins so i could actually fall asleep THEN be loud mouthed wops BUT NO.
:finger: :soak: