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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 01
is now relatively sane.
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WHP vs All Vancouver's Other promoters

Personally I'm fucking sick of WHP making them selves out to be some thing special, or different in the rave scene of Vancouver. Even worse is he's (kris the leader) is bragging about making a difference BEFORE he's really done any thing. I think WHP advertising is hurtful and demeaning to all the other hardworking also nonprofit promoters in Vancouver, and the Island!

Also he thinks my words are just me trying to out do him, or maybe score point with the kids, so they come to my events, Person I don't want most so called ravers at most of my events, some of them are +18, and I also use all different promotion names, cause I don't want people show up to my events cause of name. So any thing I say to him, is not about me, or me bragging, I'm small time compared to many promo teams in this city, so there's NOTHING for me to have an ego over!

Read and think...

>Wickedhouseparty is different than Crazy Dave..

(is WickedHouseparty different then the other promoters too?)

Your NO different that any other small promoter in town,,, take you head out of your ass!
Your no different me, or any one...

>We're not just throwing $5.00 parties. We do throw cheap 100% nonprofit partes, and we >aim for $5.00-$10.00 ticket range, but thats not all we do.

Shit dude, most the promoter in this town also throw cheap 100% nonprofit parties, so why bring it up..

> In fact, Crazy Dave throws more cheap parties in a year than we will in a decade.

Not only that,,, so does most the other promoters in town...

>Its his thing. Our thing is totally different. Even our $5.00 parties are different than his, like, >does Crazy Dave get Michael Knight from New York? or SnUK from Donald Glaudes team in >Seattle? No..

Yea you right I only get people like MadamZu(UK), Deko-ze(to), Alia(sea), Miss Booty(sea), Kyomi(Sak) Assmagic Johnson(Wilwaukee), FishHead (Winnipeg), (do I list Island DJs? or is that too close?)and I turned down Anabolic Frolic cause I was really sick and could not do that party(sorry kandy family). (BTW who the fuck is Michael Knight and SnUK). I'm not going to get in to the other names of people that you don't know about, I've had in from all over the place, or with events I've been a big contributor with.

I'm also not going to even get in to all the other promoters in town, and way they have done,,, shit I don't think I've done a lot. I've been to parties with sick sick line ups for $15. I don't know how so of the other promoters in this town do it...
But I do know there is many that do it better then you and make less noise, and brag a lot less.

>Hes into a different type of thing, like the music that you spin - it's an alternative scene and >it's awesome that its there because there will always be a group of people who want to go to >that sort of thing.

When was Breaks, HardHouse, House, Jungle, Trance, Acid Techno and Speed Garage alternative?

>We're a collective. Our direction isnt limited to Vancouver, it's directed to the entire world.

Ok you have me beat, you some people else where, with no imagination of their own, taking part in you company name... Personally I thought the rave scene was about diversity, and corporate name recognition is fucking lame, crazy I could be wrong. But still I've still had my boys play in more cities then most of the regular DJs, I've helped parties in more cities in more place then core team of WHP will ever. What counts words or actions?

Also as far as Vancouver goes, me and buddies (a loose collective) have help more promoters in this town, so in return more events the I have to my own name, then you so call collective can guess.

>This revolution stuff I keep talking about isnt because we're trying to overthrow Crazy Dave >from his roost as Mr. $5.00 man of this city.

Ummmm you're the $5 guy,,, I'm the free to $25 buck guy, I've always been that way.

>We throw 100% quality nonprofit parties,

Once again what's the deal with that!!!! you make it out to sound like that's some thing different. There's a LOT of promoters that do that.

> host a 24/7 radio station with live broadcasts from Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle, also >moving into Chicago, Saskatoon and SF.

Give me a month. It's not a hard thing to do. Plus over night, I'll be working with some of the best promoters in town. Shit I already do that any way, what's a shitty shout cast?

> We focus on building our organization by adding members to our team so our collective can >accomplish more as a whole. We currently boast one of the largest DJ pools in BC. And >growing by one or more per day.

I still work with more DJs then you do. I just don't make them join me, I help them start there own thing.

Hmmmm once again, you don't have a fucking clue what going on in the rest of the scene kris, You don't know how small you are. You don't know who self centered your actions are. You don't know how much your barging is full of shit, at the best of times.

OK you might be different in the ways that you do things, but the end resualts are really not the cream.

Last edited by Crazy Dave; Oct 11, 01 at 10:48 PM.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 01
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i'm gonna stay outta this... :(
  #3 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 01
Cigarette Slinging Elf
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UHH mods is it nessisary to have this in the lounge ?!?!? or even nessisary to have this open!?!? i don't wanna see this shit in the lounge! i don't even know wut this fuck is trying to prove..

he has his opnion but do you really think that this guy is on the board for the wrong reasons?! i mean this being his like 3 post max!

You know wut you guys should have a section for ppl to bash others cuz that's wut i see this as.. oh wait FUCK WE ALREADY HAVE A BOXING RING! oh shit where did that come from!

Last edited by KeeBLeR; Oct 11, 01 at 10:37 PM.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 01
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Crazy Dave is an unknown quantity at this point
Well if some one sends nasty letters to people making shit up about me, and using me to promote him self, I only want people to know what's being said, and what I have to say about it. Also if he brags about stuff that he ass can not cash he's going to get fucked...

I don't want to see people taken advantage of, basic of some ones' marketing plan. I work with people that run the scene, this kid is rude to us all. We have been putting as much effort and love in to our parties, but we don't go around claiming to be different, and better.

Sorry dude the world is not all PLUR and shit. There's a real world out there.

Let me have my voice, if you don't like it then don't read it.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 01
Cigarette Slinging Elf
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KeeBLeR is an unknown quantity at this point
well maybe kris's oppion might have been better if worded differently but im not saying that you don't have your opinion and that you should not be heard but even for a newbie to the site POST IT IN THE CORRECT SECTION!

I, like most ppl, prolly couldn't give a flying fuck wut goes on between promoters! I just want a party to go to and have fun it dun matter if so and so wants to stab so and so and put so and so outta biz FUCK IT no one other then promoters care so wut if some one if fucking with your mojo and it doesn't jive .. in the real world NO ONE CARES .. especially if it's some one bitchin that that someone else is cramping your style or that it's makeing the scene look bad .. don't like it?!?! then WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!
  #6 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 01
how high are the stakes
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Keebler: Because this is his third post, does that make his points invalid?

Its called Quality over Quantity
  #7 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 01
Cigarette Slinging Elf
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no because it's his third post it doesn't make it invalid it just raises my eyebrow as to the reason behind his signing up i donno bout you but back in when this board first started it wuz a cool place to just chill and meet ppl.. i think posts like this just tend to devide and separate ppl ... breaking up the f&k community were we can all set aside our differences and just have fun bs'ing around or helping eachother out... i don't think im alone on this one..

Last edited by KeeBLeR; Oct 11, 01 at 11:01 PM.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 01
is now relatively sane.
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Crazy Dave is an unknown quantity at this point
what section should it be in?

It's an ATT to him,,, It's not promo,,,, It's not a 1-800-Gripe-A-Thon,,,, it's not Newbies(introduction)

it's a The Lounge (don't involve any of the other topics listed below)

And I'm not really as new are you think i am,,, look at the date I started on this board.

Also it's not about some one cramping MY style, it's about his rudeness to the all the promoters in this town, all the people trying hard to give you parties. You should care! As I said in the post why does kris think I've said any thing to him, it's NOT for self gain. I want gain for the whole scene, for those the really put there ass where there mouth is, and not just brag about a bunch of shit that not true, or not spectacular.

Go read the things he's bragging about,,, read what I said that the rest of the scene does...

read the last 2 replies on this page
  #9 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 01
is now relatively sane.
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Crazy Dave is an unknown quantity at this point
KeeBLeR, I'm posting this cause I don't want to see people getting abused,,, some times conflict is necessary.

If you really did not thing conflict was not necessary then why start conflict with me?(don't blame you if you don't know the story behind things) It's cause you want to build a better community, and you know you have to trim off those that hurt others, or change their actions.

It's cause I care about my scene, that I do stuff like this,,, I don't want to see people abusing it.

Last edited by Crazy Dave; Oct 11, 01 at 11:16 PM.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 01
Cigarette Slinging Elf
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KeeBLeR is an unknown quantity at this point
ohh july?! you could have started in last year when f&k

started it don't matter you obviously don't post much there for im not expecting you to know where your supposed to put it but considering you've served your time on this site long enuf to know that if you got a beef put it in the gripe! if you got a bone to pick stick it in boxing ring..

and do you really think i personaly want to see wut kris has to say about you on xtcity (not bashing xtcity by the way) but if that's where you saw it then take it up there !! is it nessisary for you to have to bring it to f&k!?

I FOR ONE am tired about ppl bitching and complaining about whp.. if you don't like wut he does then be grown up about and deal with it in a mature manner liek they do in the "real world" forget about it and move on cuz life does go on..
  #11 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 01
Cigarette Slinging Elf
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sorry buddy i type slow i didn't see your second post untill after i posted in reply... i don't have anything against you if that's what you see then im sorry you feel that way but im saying is does this really have to be in the lounge.. should it even be in this board.. it's nice to see that your trying to advise ppl but what are you trying to avise ppl of?! that f&k'ers shouldn't support whp?! that you don't like getting bashed?? well i for one would have never found out that you might even be getting flack from kris if you didn't post it! but remember you can't persuade everyone or anyone for that fact if you don't like him then you dont' like him .. i for one don't want this board to so to shit and become just a massive feud between ppl..

PLUR exists here! keep it that way.. (why do i have a feeling im gonna get scorched for saying that)
  #12 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 01
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I brought it here, cause I've never said any thing about it yet on this board... the letter I'm replying to was a mail out to people, that I got forrowds to me.

I'm not really bitching him out,,, I'm not bitching,,, I have a postive meesage,,, there's a lot of good promoters in Vancouver doing a lot of good work.

People need to relised that, and check out some of the better small promoters, it maybe hard to find out what they are doing,,, but it's worth it... Why stick with some one with a dishonest or miss leading marketing plan.

My message is a bit agro-plur,, but it's plur (sorry for the cheesy use of PLUR)

Last edited by Crazy Dave; Oct 12, 01 at 12:27 AM.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 01
Cigarette Slinging Elf
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but that's life now isn't it!? someone comes out with a marketing plan (and if you know anything about marketing it's half decentand well worded) and it just might not jive with yours or makes yours ( not nessisarly yours crazy dave) look bad.. well that's marketing! and the otherside of that is to adapt! the good bussness person doensn't take personal attacks or trys to poke a whole in the competions ideas.. adapt.. know that they are there and wut they do.. im not saying competion is wrong .. if anything you sould be sending out something NEW or something DIFFERENT to try to attract ppl .. instead of trying to warn others of whp.. if ppl wanna go to whp they are gonna go regarless of wut you say or anyone says..
  #14 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 01
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I did not think you had any thing against me,,, I'm not one to care if you did. I'd only give a shit if you went about hurting others. Yes who am I to judge what the finnal moral right and wrong is, But I do my best.

PS I'm a critic first, a raver, a lover of people, a helper of the scene,,, and very last I do promote shows. I starting doing shows 3 years ago as a prostest to the scene and what is was becoming. Also cause I got sick of promoters saying I had no right to bitch we I sugested people be carefull with who to suport.

Last edited by Crazy Dave; Oct 12, 01 at 12:22 AM.
  #15 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 01
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KeeBLeR is an unknown quantity at this point
well i mean id agree with you taht the scene has kinda gone to shit but this is tha kinda thing that im trying to get away from.. i mean by warning ppl about another promoter brings you to the same level as the "BIG" promoters if your both non profit then promotion shouldn't really be nessisary ?!? of course if a true non profit organization really existed then im guess you just got money comming out your yinyang so wut would it matter your rep couldn't be dammaged no matter wut anyone says.. it's good that you say you don't promote shows which makes you that much closer to non profit.. but have you looked at your sig lately?
  #16 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 01
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could you please..

Put this thread in the boxing ring please
  #17 (permalink)  
Old Oct 11, 01
Cigarette Slinging Elf
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KeeBLeR is an unknown quantity at this point
my point exactly in case no one has been reading anything ive been saying!

aww my sore fingers
  #18 (permalink)  
Old Oct 12, 01
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dave may not be the most eloquent or well spoken person you will ever meet, but his heart is huge, and no one ever goes away from his parties unhappy.

he has been throwing shit for a few years now, helped spearhead dancesafe in this town, did the java joint (the indirect precursor to the spanish argoculture nights) and basicly thrown together a second room for little or no cash whenever some big promoter needed him to.

mad props to dave.

  #19 (permalink)  
Old Oct 12, 01
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listen......as a mod of f+k all this promoter bullshit is fuckin retarted......yeah whatever write up ur opinions and shit......but man do it in the right section and if its somin that personal between u 2 then settle it over the phone or face to face.....dont widespread it all over the net trying to bring others in and get people on sides.....
  #20 (permalink)  
Old Oct 12, 01
Cigarette Slinging Elf
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THANK YOU ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  #21 (permalink)  
Old Oct 12, 01
drunk in montreal
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I don't know Dave, but I'm sure he's a nice guy. I know Kris, he's a nice guy. Why is it so difficult to simply coexist?
  #22 (permalink)  
Old Oct 12, 01
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whoooops sorry about the old sig,,, I keeped for getting to click it off. Yes I've done promotions (JavaJoint was helping DJ's JUST like WHP, pointing out there's a lot of people doing what he does, he not special), And yes I have sound and lights, give at 1/2 the cost of master plan, and often I don't even get that... but then also I have lots of people help out by telling friends, and driving so it all works out, and cause of it, a lot of parties happen.

KeeBLeR, i've been reading, you look like some one that thinks things through...

werdyboy, thanks dude,,, I only was able to do what I've done with the help from the MANY people(it's a very big scene with lot of people helping out), and any chill room i put money in to was cause promoters lost lots money doing shows (once again there's LOTS of non-profit promoters in vacnouver)

OmEgA_ImAgE: sorry, I read all the topics, and I felt it was the best here, even if it was not positive, It was not a bitch. It's not really just personal, cause it was a letter about me(and indirectly about others) that was made public, so I posted my reply to that letter in pulic. I got a copy on this board cause there is a lot of his people here. My reply was more then just a deffence, because there is bigger issues then bashing me, it's the bashing of *others* is some thing that I will not stand for. And some thing that needs to be publicly discused. If it was just about me, then I would be better that I did not say any thing, but like I said it's a lot more then just me(and my crew) that he's bashing.

My post is not about how bad WHP is, but hoe good every one else is also. And it's not fair that WHP put them selves above those other people. And kids should really look in to what being told to them.
  #23 (permalink)  
Old Oct 12, 01
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Exactly... Ex-a-fucking-gacktly. Can there be only one nonprofit promoter? Should I do everything as Crazy Dave and become exactly like him? No. I'm me and hes him.

I have expressed thousands of times that he does a good job at what he does. God can I tatoo it on his forehead backwards so he has to look at it every morning in the hopes he understands it?

Crazy Dave = Good Vancouver Nonprofit Promoter
Wickedhouseparty = Good Nonprofit Global Collective

they both mean the same for Vancouver.

who the fuck cares?
  #24 (permalink)  
Old Oct 12, 01
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stabby >> sick of whp constantly posting about their parties.. making 2, 3 posts about the same party for crying out loud! constantly replying to their own threads to annouce the same things just to keep their posts at the top. doesnt like radio taking over winamp everytime you go to their site, RAPING ME OF MY MUSIC. rarrrr...

  #25 (permalink)  
Old Oct 12, 01
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Sean, it not about being a nice guy,,, It's about respect to all those that came before you, and all those that are also working as hard or harder then WHP. You don't see sound proof claming to be the a savor of the scene (one of the best party promoters in town right now)

Don't just be nice,,, act nice.

Last edited by Crazy Dave; Oct 12, 01 at 01:25 AM.
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