I Hate 2 think that my life has a set path...I hate to think of destiny...A theory of your life already to be set out for you...this because of all the negativity...all the bullshit I encounter in this life...I don't think that a person is born 2 become a criminal,.I don't belive that someone is destined 2 become a bum,..A DRUG Addict is not what you'll amount 2...I only have one life 2 live, this,THIS LIFE!,,..THIS LIFE IS A GIFT THAT GOD HAS GIVEN ME,..and I would honestly say that a good 85% of it if not more is lived blinded,.in sorrow..and most important of all..NEVER EVER FREE AND IN PEACE..we are like ants or robots, all live a straight line of ruels and expectations,"born,feed,school,nod 2 all the bullshit,smile,sex,drugs,More DRUGS..SEX,LOVE?...then smile some more reciveing nothing but a pat on the back and the usual "THATS JUST LIFE",all of it like slavery with a MCDONALDS smile..well its though 2 crawl through a river of SHIT and come out clean...then we go on about our meger little lives not realizeing the dog collar we wear,..EViLness of others peirces through the weak like the knife through my heart,.its the law of the jungle only the strong survive...IF you are WEAK LIKE ME you'll be eaten....I'm Bleeding all over the place drowning in a pool of my own shit, but no one seems 2 care..This life was a gift from god and yet i havent lived...instead I age like drowning while leaches Drain me of my affection...
by:MAx...aka Chris c