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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 24, 04
E is for Erica ;)
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Saturday Nights in Vancouver

What is up with Saturday nights in Vancouver? Please inform me on any good nights that I'm missing out on, cause right now, it just aint doin it for me at ALL. I can't stand blanged out and hooched up hip hop clubs, don't like to hang out at pubs unless it's just for pre-drinking festivities, and there is a total lack of Saturday night electronica nights going on. I know BarCode just started up and supposedly opening night was great. I should go and check that out sometime...I have some reservations about partying in the old Big Bamboo/Daddyho's, but I'm still willing to give it a shot! Big Sexy Funk was DOPE before, but I just went there last night and it was hurt. I'm SO sick of the line-up outside and having to deal with the cocky bouncers. I HATE lining up, esp when I'm not wearing too much and it's FREEZING outside, so I've paid to get in a few times...but they expect 15-20 up top, and then another 10 when you get downstairs for cover. Maybe before it was worth it to me cause I'd have a sweet time, but now it's just become the same old freaking tracks and Lady P doing the same old freaking routine on the mic. The only thing that I still like about Shine is Curtis Santiago. hehe. The crowd has also become even more trendy and stush. Bleh...won't be going back for a while.

If I'm missing out on a really wicked Saturday night, please let me know cause I'd love to have something GOOD to go to on my favourite night to go out during the week!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 24, 04
The Orginal Trance Addict
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missed a good house party, but i can see what you're saying
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 24, 04
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damn we were thinking the EXACT same thing last night.

but it was more on the lines of the mentality of vancouver clubbers... seems like everyones so fucking uptight and the vibe is so pretentious.... girls dressin all slutty and guys all gangsta... they wanna have a good time but then the shitty vibe wont allow it. people come to clubs with their little crews dancing in their lil circles, completely avoiding eye contact with anyone except their lil crew of friends... it's pretty much impossible to pick up a girl. theres so many people out but theres just no vibe.

me n deken thought about this... i think maybe vancouvers in some sorta phase? or maybe its our small city? cuz ken compared it with LA and was saying how people are so much more open n down to meet new people... party it up to good tunes....

i also noticed theres so much racial segregation... at club nights its either majority asian, brown, black, or white.... it fuckin blows. electronic nights are pretty much the only ones that are somewhat balanced with races. even then sometimes theyre pretty racially segregated too.

but yeah. last night fuckin sucked.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 24, 04
'latinum respect.
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I found myself talking last night about the 'good ol' days' when there was just a choice of so many fun clubs to go to in a week that you knew everyone was going to come out to.

I mean, this does go beyond Saturday night :(

Remember how fun it was to go to pound at 7 alexander? sunday sessions at sonar?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 24, 04
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^hehe that was a good year!

that year i went out 3 times a week. tuesday auto, thursday spectrum, fri/sat PO!!, and sunday SS
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 24, 04
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i couldn't find anything to do last night, so i organized poker with 5 friends and i cleaned the table for 140 bucks.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old May 24, 04
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yeah thats right im taking you constructive thread and making it a bragfest for my poker exploits. rain down your praise, message board ravers.

but seriously, i dont really go out fridays or saturdays anymore. i find them to be not as fun unless it's some kind of one off event. i usually just have people over, or something low key like that.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old May 24, 04
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and there is a total lack of Saturday night electronica nights going on.
Lotus Sound Lounge. 455 Abbott street. Every Saturday, minus the last saturday of the month.


You can thank me later.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old May 24, 04
femme fatale
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Originally Posted by Erica
I'd have a sweet time, but now it's just become the same old freaking tracks and Lady P doing the same old freaking routine on the mic. The only thing that I still like about Shine is Curtis Santiago. hehe. The crowd has also become even more trendy and stush. Bleh...won't be going back for a while.
noticed that last weekend

seemed like peeps were only there to be 'seen' and pose and such
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old May 24, 04
rip zilla.
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ash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really nice
ahhh pound was great.

tokyo lounge was quite fun last nite.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old May 24, 04
Sonic Nacartic
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Originally Posted by Grapes
Lotus Sound Lounge. 455 Abbott street. Every Saturday, minus the last saturday of the month.


Still, the way Saturday nights opporate makes sense from a business standpoint. This is the night that nearly every wage earner has a night off ('cept me, most of the time :soak:) so what do you do to draw in a crowd? Play the music they are most familiar with and, thanks to The Beat and MuchMusic, that is urban style with a sprinkling of pop. Most clubber aren't too concerned about going to places to go there; more like they go there to be there. Beyond that, it seems they really haven't a clue what to do next (hence all the standing and lack of debauchery).
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 04
jim jim is offline
cubed V2.0
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celebrities will be open again soon enough, you can go party your ass off there.
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