Originally Posted by Carrie
I actually like my job, it's actually more then a job.. i'll call it a career..
I do have a question though..
why does everyone have jobs that they hate?
my job as liek that when i first started..then i became discusted wiht how inept my management is, we have managed to quadruple our gross income but because of how fucked up things are here we're losing money and one of our companies is in danger of going bankrupt. alot of it has to do with bad luck because we were fucked by an estimator who used to work here and left when he realized how fucked up one of his winning bids was, and also ont hat same project we have delt with a sanitary sewage overflow which contaminated the entire project site with 2 feet thick of raw seawge. thus delaying the construction schedule by 8 weeks, oh and this turn of bad luck is accompanied by the fact that the delay in schedule coincided with tememndous volatilty steel and copper comodities which made the cost of most of our building materials increase over 100% and since we are in a fixed price contract there is no mechanism that allows us be reimbursed for these price increases, unless we sue the g.v.r.d which i beleive we should do as our case is rock solid but my boss is dragging his feet on it.
essentiall all this shit happening plus the day to day bullshit that i ahve to wade through and find solutions for, plus the fatc im also goign to school fulltime has just put enormous amounts of stress on me. theres a reason i prety much completely stopped going out and its because as a result continously high levels of all this stress i had a mental breakdown back ind ecember. it was fucked and just because im worried that its gonna ahppen again i want to find another job. hopefully somehting mindless like stacking boxes in a warehouse or bangin nails, the only downside would eb the paycut and id probably get bored eventually.
enuff of this bullshit whinning..work in general sucks, and the sad fact of the matter is except for the lucky few who win the lottery we all are probably gonna be working our asses of for the next 50 years.