Ya, I dated a chick for 1 year and then she broke up with me for the stupidest reason. She said she wants to try to be with more than one person, cause she was a virgin when she met me "hahaha I popped her cherry" and later some dude dated her and cheated on her and she's like take me back I love you I was like, hahaha, oh hells no. I got over her and hooked up with some other chicks and couldn't be happier. I like more than one girl too, but I hate people who cheat and lie, that's bs, if you're with one person, be true to them don't fuck around. But some chicks are bitches, it sucks. Everyone of us guys probably has been with one or more, its just life. The trick is to not let them play you, don't play them, but also don't be treated like shit, be the man.
Like eminem say "bitches don't come, they go."