when i was little i had serious stomach problems and i remember all the stupid scarey tests they ran me through. thye just concluded that it must be my tendency to be hyperglacemic that was messing me up, which didnt really make since.
i have to watch what i eat, always have since i was little. too much sugar aka GOOD STUFF and i get stupidly sick. my muscles knot up, then i get tunnel vision, then i vomit. i remember when i was 6 and we were eating chocolate ice cream and it was the best chocolate icecream i had ever tasted, and i could feel the sickness coming on, i was ready to cry from the knots in my back but i wasnt ready to put the spoon down, then presto! i was in the bathroom giving all of my ice cream to the toilet. i will always be stubborn.
anyways, its a good idea to get this stuff checked out. my brothers the same way, there were times where i would wake up in the middle of the night and literally he'd be on the floor in pain. family finally convinced him to see a doctor after like 2 years of these violent stomach attacks and found out he has gaulblader (sp?) problems that could have become serious.
but its also a good idea to eat cake, and cookies, and ice cream and chocolate bars. and its definately a good idea to eat chocolate, chocolate chip and coconut banana bread.