Have I Mentioned...
ugh! actually it's not even my actual job that I hate, it's the few select people that ruin it for the rest of us fun people!! My supervisor has decided to be the world's biggest bitch the last couple of weeks. She has been super snippy and snide with me and three other co-workers because we're not part of her "favourites clique". BITCH. Seriously.
There are two girls in my office who slack off, don't do their jobs, make 30+ minute personal phone calls, send personal e-mails and surf the 'net CONSTANTLY!!! I mean, don't get me wrong, I surf the net, send some personal e-mails, etc. but I still get all my work done!! One of these girls is our receptionist, her job is to do FILING and ANSWER THE PHONE. However, she is constantly away from her desk or ignores the phone, leaving it for the rest of us to answer. She refuses to do my filing, as well as the three other ladies I mentinoed earlier - but she does it for the rest of the office. This really, really, really irks me because 1). It's her job, 2). It's NOT my job, 3). I have carpal tunnel, tendonitis, and arthritis. I CANNOT file for more than five-ten minutes w/out my wrists becoming badly inflamed and painful!
ps. I am starting to sound like Myra :(