Originally Posted by bl0nde
why cant underage ppl just wait til they are 19? im 18 and i figured if i can wait 18 years to go to a bar.. i think i can wait a few more months. i have been to bars but its not like i feind for it.
Here, here! Well... I went to a club (Club23 anyone?) for most of the summer of my 19th birthday (bday is Aug.9, mark your calendars)... But I didn't order from the bar, or drink stuff from the bar (that other ppl bought) until I was 19 with MY ID. I wasn't rowdy. I wasn't acting like an underager. I was feeling privaledged that I was allowed in the venue to see my friends and support friends who were spinning. I'm reminded of why we have an age limit about alcohol when people who are not of the legal age to buy and consume alcohol get ahold of some and act like irresponsible morons. It's really too bad... (I haven't witnessed much myself bout Tribecca and underagers being hella drunk and disrespectful, but I've heard heaps... And someone broke a framed picture that was hanging on the wall the one time I was there, so if that was someone underage, thats exactly my point. In general tho, people who are drinking underage can't handle themselves with alcohol, from what I've seen.)