What a cock - that's totally disrespectful. Mind you yelling at him and slapping him is probably not the best thing.
I recommend in future that you pull your roomie aside - tell him you have something really important to say - and just let him know you feel disrespected by his actions. Reinforce how much his friendship means to you, let him know that you're not going to hold a grudge, but you need to get things done. Be unrelentingly friendly, understanding and forgiving about the whole thing. Smile and use warm body language.
The only way you'll ever get shit done in this world is if you are
a) powerful
b) stupidly friendly
Using these tactics, I've managed to deal with every roomie situation there is - and I've live with a guy and 3 girls an a ghetto house for years. People who are upset have no idea what to do when you show them respect and understanding. It diffuses them instantly - but the onus is on you to do it.
Why do I feel like "Dear Abby" all of a sudden.