I hate my roomies!
OMFG, argh!!! I am so way beyond being fuckin choked at my roomies right now!
They racked up $50 worth of pay per view charges last month and since the bills are in my dad's name they still owe him money for that, and then my dad goes to get the digital cable shut off and asks for a print off of the most recent charges.. we-he-hell... he gets another bill for a whole shitload of pay perviews and this one's a whopping $104.77!!!!!! $13.99 just for one god damn pay per view!! like WTF, if you wanna watch porn that bad go to the god damn store and you can probably pay about that much to rent like 4 of em! Geezus crickeys. I really wanna KILL my roomates right about now. The thing that REALLY pisses me off about the whole thing is after the first bill with the pay per views on it they were asked rather politely not to EVER rent anymore and they agreed to that, and then they go and rack up this mad bill!
I am so choked, I just wanna cry.. death to my asshole roomies!!