I get that his belief system and the research he says he's done himself backs up (to him) what he's saying, but the part that annoys me is that bc of the position he is in, he is influential to large audience who may well turn around and adopt that as their own view, minus the belief system and minus the research.
I hate preaching, so of course I'm going to hate preaching that is in oposition of what I believe in. Especially when I think that it's going to make a bunch of sheep think that drugs that assist with mental health issues are bad, and therefore they will develop an even more negative concept of those who need to use drugs to assist in mental health issues. More specifically, I work in public education and have supported students who take rytalin to be able to focus and learn in a regular classroom environment. I don't want people to start thinking that those children, their parents or their doctors and teachers are bad people bc they support rytalin use as a means to get thru the school day so they can learn and have friends. There's already enough stigma around children who have exceptional learning/social needs.
Last edited by veN; Jun 27, 05 at 06:40 PM.