my sister is in a contstant state of fuckign pms shes a dumb fuckign cunt a little stupid fight ending with my little sister yellign at me i leave my house i jsut got home and my room is fuckign trashed cds all over the palce clothes everywhere shit broken, shit missing FUCK FUCK UFCK i need to get a fuckign lock on my door what kind of fucking world is this when you cant even trust people in your own fuckign house FUCK |
oh yeha
iforgot to mentio nat the end of all this my parents are somehow mad at me and threaten to kick me out of my house i really dotn knwo whats goin on anymore i jsut wish i ahd a fuckinjob so icould get the fuck out of thie hellhole |
wow that sounds all to much like my sister... we fight and she yells at me and then my parents are mad at me and wow
she doesn't trash my room tho. I'd say get alock or move out. my dad told my sister not to touch my shit. so far it's working we'll see how long that last. |
you know I have 2 older sisters and we've had some pretty awful fights. Now that I don't live with the oldest one we are best friends and and I miss her so much when I don't see her. But I totally unerstand how you must feel b/c I went through all that too. I got shit broken and stuff stolen and worms and spiders in my bed!! ( like not joking!!)but it's what siblings do. As dumb as it may sound try to talk to her. Let her know how hurt you are but DON'T DO IT BACK TO HER!!! I guarantee that you will be the one who gets in trouble for it. Even if she did to you first!
Good luck with it all!! |
That sucks.. You sister has been a little douchebag lately. My sister used to do that shit too. Then I moved out and now our relationship has improved. I still hate even hearing her speak most days... best thing is to get her while she's sleeping. mmhm.
I got four younger sisters and thank god they never did shit like that to me! I woulda had four very hurt/dead sisters (no, I would never hit them really, but I woulda been pissed off as hell)
My younger brother and I used to have fights like that though, and like you, I would be the one in trouble at the end even though most the time he started it. If it's terrible like this all the time then I'd say get a job and move asap, siblings and parents get Waaay better when you become a guest. But if it's only a once in a while occurance then stick it out dude, once you leave you realize you didn't have it so bad with the parents, stuff like toothpaste and toilet paper are nice and all the spices on the spice rack are actually kind of expensive. |
My sister asked me to move my car. I said no. She said she wanted to wash her car. I said fine, and let her move my car. I came home from walking/errands and she'd washed my car too. Im totally the bitchy sister. But I gave her a hug. <3
when growing up my sister was always the bossy one. then i got older and taller but she was still the bossy one even though she's like 4'11". one of my bestest friends.
that sux for yah though bT. hey maybe she found your stash of X and she took a couple of them double pressed and thats why she trashed your room |