I am so tired, like absolutely dead tired. I've been dead tired for days. every night for the past week I've been so tired but can't sleep... end up drifting off at ~8-10am... and waking up at 1 tired as hell needing to get ready for work. Yesterday I purposefullly woke up earlier than needed, only gave myself 2 hrs sleep, then consumed no caffeine during the day, hoping I would be so exhausted after work I'd K.O immediately. I was wrong... After work I WAS exhausted, completely exhausted; I tried to sleep, but sleep wouldn't come. Came out of my room, worked out and talked on msn, tried again, lied in bed for 45minutes, sleep still did not come. Came back out, watched several episodes of MacGyver, then drank some heated milk... tried sleep again, it still evaded me. Now it's 6:20 AM, and I feel wide awake and exhausted at the same time, about to face a day already scheduled full of activities... I gave my staff the day off tommorrow because I have so much I need to get done. I don't know what to do, if I fall asleep now, my whole day will be ruined, but if I try and stay up, I doubt I'll make it through half of the day. It must be too much stress from work, I had some unexpected set back's that seem to be a slight speed bump on the road of my financial goals. ahhhh.
end rant/