i know how to solve your problem myra.. and you dont have to clean anything.. and you dont have to spray anything .. its actually very very easy and if you want to know how then you will have to pay me one meeeeeeliiionnn dollars.. |
- mote of fire around bed?
- heads of spiders on pikes out front to make an example? pull all furniture away from the walls, pull out the drawers from dressers and desks. get in there and vacuum up every speck of dust or cob. fill even the tiniest cracks in the walls, edges of windows, etc. with some of that expanding foam or caulking. and remember, wherever you are, theres probably a spider within six feet or so :D |
oh yea... my way is very nice to the spiders to. There is no need to kill them, and i still think i know how to keep them away. All you have to do is one thing and it takes about 10 mins and thenthey will be gone for a long time