yea, outdoor plumbing! lol!
Seriously though, i think that somtimes we just operate on a completely different basis of logic and thought progression or somthing. Whenever i would get into an argument with my ex it would be like trying to make peace negotiations in a completely different dialect. But Hey, if us men just got along with youse womens without any difficulty, where would the adventureous rollercoasterofdeath that is "relationships" be? |
^^ you'll get sick of chicks, and you'll come back ;)
they always come back... lol! I know more girls that choose to have primarily guy friends because "girls are such bitches" or "highschool drama bullshit" than girls that complain about guys. I think we can agree to disagree on this one. And that both sexes are equally frusterating in different ways, and thats what makes dating interesting. ;) outposted x2!! lol! |