Originally Posted by cutienikki
Chadwick! Just get them off nabs :P LOL jk!
Anytime im at a party or "a get together" find me ill hook you up :P im the smoke fairy apparently lol
haha, nabs lives a little too far away to borrow a cigarette in the morning (afternoon) when I wake up after partying. :P
As for hooking me up with smokes, thank you.. it wouldn't be so bad if almost every person I know smokes, and because we're usually inebriated they chain smoke too.
But it's 4:40pm.. I've been up for hours and I don't need one. =)
Originally Posted by Ashley*Dawn
well what you do is you take 2 packs and then keep a few smokes hidden away for the morning. Personally I can't smoke in the morning after a party. I've smoked so much threw out the night before that even the thought of having a smoke when I get up after a party makes me sick.
Good advice!