Way back when this Rave stuff was first coming to fruition (UK, late 80s, US, early 90s) the music being played was a louder faster harsher take on detroit's techno music known as "Rave". Messiah ("Thunderdome), early Prodigy ("Out of Space"), early Moby ("Next is the E")... etc.... Spawned off to create Jungle, Hardcore, HHC, continue to influence Techno to this day, you can hear it all over the place.
Amongst genre elitists, they will be happy to say that "Rave music" is technically that upbeat chipmunk-vocals-and-samples-with breaktacular beats (Sesame's Treat being one of my favourites) from that era.
IMHO, it all seems bunk. Rave is a verb, goddamnit.